A self-taught designer and builder in both metal and woodworking. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2020.

James Hastings (2019)
Highly detailed, traditional plank-on-frame wooden ship models. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2019.

Chuck Balmer (2018)
Miniature live steam locomotives a cut above the rest. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2018.

Cherry Hill (2017)
One of England’s master model engineers, and her incredible traction engines. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2017.

George Britnell (2016)
A wide variety of model engineering projects from guns to engines, with an emphasis on Fords. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2016.

William R. Robertson (2015)
Museum quality, historically correct scale miniatures in metal and wood. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2015.

Steve Lindsay (2014)
World famous engraver and engraving tool maker with a bold style. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2014.

Guillermo Rojas-Bazan (2013)
Master scratch builder of aluminum aircraft models. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2013.

Gary Conley (2012)
Conley Precision. Manufacturer of quarter scale V-8 engines. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2012.

Michel Lefaivre (2010)
Superb miniature guns from France. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2010.

Louis Chenot (2009, 2011)
A running scale model Duesenberg, and other fine scale models. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award for 2009, and the Craftsman of the Decade Award for 2011.

Richard Carlstedt (2009)
A 1/16 scale model of the historic ironclad USS Monitor engine and more. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2009.

Ron Colonna (2008)
Miniature engines, including a masterful 1/4 scale Offenhauser, and a book on how to build it. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2008.

Pierre Scerri (2007)
A fully functional Ferrari 312 PB race car model at 1/3 scale. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2007.

David Kucer (2006)
World-class miniature guns from Canada. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2006.

Gerald Wingrove (2005)
Model cars from England, and books on how to build them. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2005.

Roger L. Ronnie (2004)
Master engraver, miniature gunsmith, watch tool maker, and model engine builder. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2004.

Barry Jordan (2003)
Masterful miniature machine tools from England. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2003.

Young C. Park (2002)
Aluminum model Corsair and Mustang aircraft with detail like you’ve never seen. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2002.

George Luhrs (2001)
Builder of the world’s smallest running internal combustion engines. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2001.

William R. Smith (2000)
Award-winning clocks and instructions on how to build them. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 2000.

Wilhelm Huxhold (1999)
Masterful miniature steam engines, machine tools, and other model engineering projects. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 1999.

Alan Ingersoll (1998)
A miniature Curtiss V-12 engine, and the model biplane to house it. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 1998.

Jerry Kieffer (1997)
Miniature engines, Harley-Davidson’s, tractors, and much more. Winner of the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Year Award for 1997.