In Memory of Joseph H. Martin
December 3, 1934—February 12, 2014

Joe Martin with the Sherline lathe and mill. The sale of Sherline tools provides the main funding to support the Foundation and museum.
After the radio control giant Kraft Systems purchased Joe’s connector company, he decided to develop new products with them for a while. However, after some time Joe wanted to get back into a business of his own. He left Kraft, and started importing Sherline lathes from Australia to be sold domestically under the Craftsman label. Ultimately, Joe would go on to purchase the Sherline name, and to bring complete production of the tool line to the U.S. Over the course of more than thirty years, Joe built the Sherline brand into one of the most complete tool lines in the world. But after a while, Joe wanted to show his appreciation for the craftsmen who were using these tools for their own projects.

Joe Martin and one of his models on a contest program cover in the 1960’s.
In 1997, he started the Joe Martin Foundation for Exceptional Craftsmanship with a donation from his personal funds. Joe created the foundation to encourage and reward craftsmanship, placing a special emphasis on metalworking and woodworking of smaller scale. Through the foundation, and Joe’s vision, the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum was born. To learn more about Joe Martin, read his story in Making a Business Out of a Hobby.

Tabletop Machining
On February 12, 2014 Joe Martin passed away. We will honor the goals he established and see that they are carried on into the future as he intended.