Thompson Designs Flat Four Model Airplane Engine

Thompson Designs Flat Four Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: John V. Thompson

Knapp Collection #: 147

Catalog #: 2008.10.45

Contributor: Paul Knapp

John Thompson used the cylinder assemblies from Honda weed-eater engines to produce this flat four aero engine. His custom crankcase holds the oil for lubrication and the engine runs gasoline with spark ignition.

Three Hirtenberger Patronen VT21 Engines

Three Hirtenberger Patronen VT21 Engines

Craftsman: Hirtenberger Patronen

Knapp Collection #: 396, 397, 398

Catalog #: 2016.8.6

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Three VT21 engines developed by Hirtenberger Patronen, Austria, are shown on a wooden display base. The prototype on the left was manually machined from aluminum and steel bar stock.

Three K&B .60 Prototypes

Three K&B .60 Prototypes

Craftsman: K&B

Catalog #: 2012.19.4

Donor: Joe Bridi

These three engines are prototype variants of the K&B .60 engine that were tested and used by Joe Bridi in Competition Pattern flying.

Three Morton M1 Model Airplane Engines

Three Morton M1 Model Airplane Engines

Craftsman: Dennis Fadden, Bruce Satra

Knapp Collection #: 415, 87, 413

Catalog #: 2016.8.11a ; 2016.8.11b ; 2016.8.11c

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Three Morton M1 engines sit on a wooden display stand. Mr. Fadden designed several model engines that used Bruce Satra’s Morton castings.

Tin Brass Steam Engine

Tin Brass Steam Engine

Craftsman: Birk Petersen

Catalog #: 2016.15.33

Donor: Mark Petersen

Birk built this small brass horizontal oscillating steam engine using his Chinese 7×10 lathe.

Titan .60

Titan .60

Craftsman: Mark Presling

Catalog #: 2022.3.1

Donor: Roger Taylor

This glow-plug Titan .60 model airplane engine was designed by George Genevro and built by Mark Presling of Australia.

Titan Twin Engine

Titan Twin Engine

Craftsman: Ramon Hoagland

Knapp Collection #: 739

Catalog #: 2023.2.5

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This Titan Twin engine is 16″-long, 11″-wide, 8.5″-high, and weighs about 15 lbs.

TMN 4-Cycle, Sleeve-Valve Cutaway Engine

TMN 4-Cycle, Sleeve-Valve Cutaway Engine

Craftsman: Petr Chvatal

Knapp Collection #: 251

Catalog #: 2011.27.29

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The TMN 4-cycle, sleeve-valve cutaway airplane engine was built by Petr Chvatal. After completing only 10 engines, Petr produced a couple of the cutaways to demonstrate its operation.

Trimble Prototype Single-Cylinder Engine

Trimble Prototype Single-Cylinder Engine

Craftsman: George Trimble

Knapp Collection #: 157

Catalog #: 2009.9.25

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

George Trimble made his first engine in 1958. It’s an air-cooled, four-cycle single that burns gasoline on spark ignition.

Triscamp Engine 

Triscamp Engine 

Craftsman: Robert and Frances Washburn

Knapp Collection #: 713

Catalog #: 2022.8.9

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Robert Washburn designed and fabricated eight of these miniature 3-cylinder, 2-cycle, methanol-burning Triscamp radial engines.

Tug Boat With Miniature “Wobbler” Steam Engine

Tug Boat With Miniature “Wobbler” Steam Engine

Craftsman: William "Scotty" Hewitt

Donor: Wiliam "Scotty" Hewitt

Scotty Hewitt is a former race car driver who turned to machining as a retirement hobby. He has built several contest winning compressed air race cars modeled after vintage dirt track racers. For this project, a miniature J.C. Tanner tugboat, he took plans for a small oscillating steam engine and scaled them down significantly. Mr. […]

Tugboat Steam Engine & Boiler

Tugboat Steam Engine & Boiler

Craftsman: Eckhard Fadtke

Catalog #: 2019.17.1

Donor: Eckhard Fadtke

This miniature tugboat steam engine has a boiler, shaft, and propeller.

Twin Webra .61 (Gear Driven)

Twin Webra .61 (Gear Driven)

Craftsman: Webra

Catalog #: 2012.19.3

Donor: Joe Bridi

Two counter-rotating Webra .61 engines drive a common propeller shaft through a geartrain. It has glow plug ignition.

Two-Cylinder Steam Engine

Two-Cylinder Steam Engine

Craftsman: Eckhard Fadtke

Catalog #: 2019.17.8

Donor: Eckhard Fadtke

This miniature two-cylinder steam engine was built by Eckhard Fadtke.

Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.