Solar-Powered Victorian Steam Engine
Craftsman: Szymon Klimek
Catalog #: 2009.15.1
Donor: Szymon Klimek
This miniature brass solar-powered Victorian steam engine is called “Susi.” It was built by Szymon Klimek, of Poland, and is enclosed in a wine goblet like many of his other pieces.

Solenoid Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.114
Donor: Mark Petersen
Birk Petersen built this miniature solenoid engine with brass flywheel.

Sorrel 2-Cylinder Inline Model Boat Engine
Craftsman: Col. James Sorrel
Knapp Collection #: 275
Catalog #: 2011.27.40
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Col. James Sorrel utilized commercial piston and cylinder assemblies to produce his custom-built 2-cylinder racing engines.

Springfield A.1 Single-Cylinder, Two-Cycle Model Engine
Craftsman: Roy E. McAdams
Knapp Collection #: 208
Catalog #: 2008.16.50
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Roy McAdams offered the Springfield A.1 engine (circa 1919) in kit form or completely assembled and ready to run.

Sprinkler Handle Flywheel Steam Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.113
Donor: Mark Petersen
This small single-cylinder oscillating steam engine incorporates a red cast hose bibb handle as the flywheel.

Square Piston Engine
Craftsman: Theodore Carder
Catalog #: 2021.11.7
Donor: Susi Trumbo
This unusual miniature engine built by Theodore Carder features a square piston.

Stationary Steam Engine
Craftsman: Thomas Walton
Catalog #: 2018.28.1
Donor: Fred Leonard
This model, built around 1890, is representative of the steam engines that were used at the mines in England in the late 1800’s.

Steam Engine With Boiler
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This engine was built as a complete steam plant with its own operational boiler to produce steam.

Steam Engine With Boiler
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This miniature steam engine was modeled after a typical logging “donkey” engine with hoist on skids.

Steam Powered Tugboat
Craftsman: Jerry Lake
Catalog #: 2023.3.1
Donor: Jerry Lake
Jerry Lake built this Dumas “carol Moran” XL tugboat to house his functional Saito steam engine. The steam powered tugboat is radio controlled.

Steam Roller Engine
Craftsman: Theodore Carder
Catalog #: 2021.11.8
Donor: Susi Trumbo
This miniature functional steam roller engine can be operated on compressed air.

Steam-Powered Water Pump
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This is a flywheel type steam pump with the steam cylinder and the water pump cylinder connected by a Scotch yoke mechanism.

Steeple Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.12
Donor: Mark Petersen
A vertical piston drives the flywheel via a cast frame with “steeple” shaped side members.

Steve Huck V8 Engine
Craftsman: Jeff Lott
Catalog #: 2017.11.1
Contributor: Jeff Lott
This engine was scratch built from billet material taking 2 years to complete. The block and heads are made from 6061T6 aluminum.

Stinger 609 Supercharged V8 Engine
Craftsman: Gary Conley
Knapp Collection #: 290
Catalog #: 2011.32.10
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This “Stinger 609″ supercharged V8 engine is about 10″-tall. The bore is 1.00″ with a .970” stroke. The engine even has a user replaceable oil filter.

Stirling Cycle Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Donor: Leo Bollar
This is a commercially produced Stirling cycle engine.

Stirling Cycle Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Catalog #: 2018.42.1
Donor: Walter Yahn
This small Stirling engine was donated by Walter Yahn, but the manufacturer is unknown.

Stirling Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.90
Donor: Mark Petersen
Birk Petersen’s miniature Stirling engine with brass fuel filler pitcher.

Stirling Engine Powered Fan
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.92
Donor: Mark Petersen
A Stirling engine powers this small fan.
Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.