Solar-Powered Victorian Steam Engine

Solar-Powered Victorian Steam Engine

Craftsman: Szymon Klimek

Catalog #: 2009.15.1

Donor: Szymon Klimek

This miniature brass solar-powered Victorian steam engine is called “Susi.” It was built by Szymon Klimek, of Poland, and is enclosed in a wine goblet like many of his other pieces.

Solenoid Engine

Solenoid Engine

Craftsman: Birk Petersen

Catalog #: 2016.15.114

Donor: Mark Petersen

Birk Petersen built this miniature solenoid engine with brass flywheel.

Sorrel 2-Cylinder Inline Model Boat Engine

Sorrel 2-Cylinder Inline Model Boat Engine

Craftsman: Col. James Sorrel

Knapp Collection #: 275

Catalog #: 2011.27.40

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

Col. James Sorrel utilized commercial piston and cylinder assemblies to produce his custom-built 2-cylinder racing engines.

Stationary Steam Engine

Stationary Steam Engine

Craftsman: Thomas Walton

Catalog #: 2018.28.1 

Donor: Fred Leonard 

This model, built around 1890, is representative of the steam engines that were used at the mines in England in the late 1800’s.

Steam Powered Tugboat

Steam Powered Tugboat

Craftsman: Jerry Lake

Catalog #: 2023.3.1

Donor: Jerry Lake

Jerry Lake built this Dumas “carol Moran” XL tugboat to house his functional Saito steam engine. The steam powered tugboat is radio controlled.

Steam-Powered Water Pump

Steam-Powered Water Pump

Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt

Donor: Susan Alvaro

This is a flywheel type steam pump with the steam cylinder and the water pump cylinder connected by a Scotch yoke mechanism.

Steeple Engine

Steeple Engine

Craftsman: Birk Petersen

Catalog #: 2016.15.12

Donor: Mark Petersen

A vertical piston drives the flywheel via a cast frame with “steeple” shaped side members.

Steve Huck V8 Engine

Steve Huck V8 Engine

Craftsman: Jeff Lott

Catalog #: 2017.11.1

Contributor: Jeff Lott

This engine was scratch built from billet material taking 2 years to complete. The block and heads are made from 6061T6 aluminum.

Stinger 609 Supercharged V8 Engine

Stinger 609 Supercharged V8 Engine

Craftsman: Gary Conley

Knapp Collection #: 290

Catalog #: 2011.32.10

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This “Stinger 609″ supercharged V8 engine is about 10″-tall. The bore is 1.00″ with a .970” stroke. The engine even has a user replaceable oil filter.

Stirling Cycle Engine

Stirling Cycle Engine

Craftsman: Unknown

Donor: Leo Bollar

This is a commercially produced Stirling cycle engine.

Stirling Cycle Engine

Stirling Cycle Engine

Craftsman: Unknown

Catalog #: 2018.42.1

Donor: Walter Yahn

This small Stirling engine was donated by Walter Yahn, but the manufacturer is unknown.

Stirling Engine

Stirling Engine

Craftsman: Birk Petersen

Catalog #: 2016.15.90

Donor: Mark Petersen

Birk Petersen’s miniature Stirling engine with brass fuel filler pitcher.

Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.