Model Craftsman 4-Cycle Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Knapp Collection #: 320
Catalog #: 2012.33.5
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This engine has a cast aluminum crankcase and cam box with a machined cast iron cylinder and head.

Model Jet Turbine Engine
Craftsman: Paul White
Catalog #: 2003.2.1
Donor: Paul White
Mr. White scratch-built this running jet engine in about one month without the use of CNC machining. A scale engine stand is included.

Model Pratt & Whitney Engine Casting
Craftsman: Paul Knapp
Knapp Collection #: 161
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Paul Knapp assembled castings for his model Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Jr. engine (also on display), and then cut them in half as a visual aid.

Morton M-42 4-Cylinder Flathead Model Car Engine
Craftsman: Jim Hawk
Knapp Collection #: 158
Catalog #: 2008.10.47
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This Morton M-42 burns gasoline on spark ignition and will turn a 14-6 propeller in excess of 6,500 RPM. The engine is 9″-long, 5″-wide, and 5″-high.

Morton M5 5-Cylinder Radial Engine
Craftsman: Morton Aviation
Knapp Collection #: 18
Catalog #: 2009.9.01
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Morton M5 5-cylinder radial engine was designed and built by Morton Aviation. The M5 was the first miniature radial engine made for model airplanes.

Morton M5 Radial Model Aircraft Engine (cutaway)
Craftsman: Dennis Fadden
Knapp Collection #: 20
Catalog #: 2008.10.8
Contributor: Paul Knapp
A Morton M5 radial model aircraft engine (cutaway). The engine is 7″-long, 6″-wide, and 7″-high.

MVVS 3209 2.5 cc Diesel Engine
Craftsman: MVVS
Catalog #: 2008.22.1
Donor: Robert Meltzer
This small MVVS .15 (2.5 cc) Diesel engine was made in Czechoslovakia, probably in the 1960s, and the brand has remained popular for those flying RC models in the “vintage” categories.

Mystery Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Donor: Joe Martin
The crankcase of this unidentified engine appears to be custom machined from billet stock. The head may be from an existing engine.

Nano Bee Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Chris Hans Valentine and Ronald Valentine
Knapp Collection #: 274
Catalog #: 2011.27.7
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Nano Bee measures merely 7/8 of an inch long with a bore and stroke of only 2mm, adding up to a total displacement of only .006cc.

Nash 25 HP Vertical Twin Engine
Craftsman: Ramon Hoagland
Knapp Collection #: 583
Catalog #: 2019.10.6
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Ramon Hoagland used Doug Kelley’s plans to build this 1/18 scale model of the NASH 25 HP vertical twin. It is a water-cooled single throw, alternate firing two-cylinder.

Neptune AA1 Outboard Boat Motor
Craftsman: Muncie Gear Works
Knapp Collection #: 352
Catalog #: 2012.33.19
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Neptune AA1 outboard boat motor is a 1.7 HP model. It’s a water-cooled, two-cycle gas burner that measures barely 23-inches tall.

Non-Compression 2-Cycle Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.67
Donor: Mark Petersen
This non-compression 2-cycle internal combustion engine was based on a design by Rudy Kouhoupt.

Nondescript Pulse Jet Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Catalog #: 2018.25.2
Donor: Cliff Manzke
The maker of this pulse jet engine is unknown. It was donated by Cliff Manzke.

Novoexport .027 cc CO2 Engine
Craftsman: Novoexport
Catalog #: 2009.12.1
Donor: Richard T. Mack
This Russian made Novoexport engine is still brand new in the original package with all Russian writing.

Novoexport 2.5cc 2-cycle Engine
Craftsman: Novoexport
Catalog #: 2009.12.2
Donor: Richard T. Mack
This Novoexport 2.5KP 2-cycle, 1-cylinder engine was donated by Mr. Mack. A very long aluminum tuned exhaust pipe is also included.

O.S. 46AX Model Airplane Engine
Craftsmen: Shigeo Ogawa, O.S.
Catalog #: 2007.7.1
Donor: Art Pesch
This 2-cycle O.S. 46AX model airplane engine is in new condition with the original box.

O.S. 49-PI Type II Wankel Engine
Craftsmen: Shigeo Ogawa, O.S.
Catalog #: 2010.9.2
Donor: Joshua Vest
This unique model airplane engine is an O.S. 49-PI Type II Wankel engine.

O.S. FS-120S SP Engine
Craftsmen: Shigeo Ogawa, O.S.
Catalog #: 2010.19.1
Donor: Jerry Nelson
This O.S. FS-120S SP model airplane engine is a supercharged 4-stroke.

O.S. FS-91 Cutaway Model Airplane Engine
Craftsmen: Shigeo Ogawa, O.S.
Knapp Collection #: 264
Catalog #: 2011.27.35
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This four-stroke O.S. FS-91 model airplane engine has a partial cutaway of the cylinder block to expose the piston, crankshaft, and camshaft.
Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.