Magnum 182 V-Twin Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Peter Roffe and Brian Stammer
Knapp Collection #: 137
Catalog #: 2009.9.22
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Peter Roffe and Brian Stammer combined two-cylinder assemblies from their single-cylinder 91S to make this 90° V-twin 182.

Magnum 273 3-Cylinder Radial Engine
Craftsman: Peter Roffe and Brian Stammer
Knapp Collection #: 138
Catalog #: 2009.9.23
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This Magnum 273 3-cylinder radial model airplane engine is 20”-long, 9”-wide, and 9”-high. Three 91S cylinder assemblies were adapted to a common crankcase to produce this 3-cylinder radial 273.

Magpie 2-Cycle Marine Engine
Craftsman: Gerald Smith
Knapp Collection #: 302
Catalog #: 2011.35.9
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Magpie 2-cycle marine engine is a ducted fan air-cooled marine engine. It is a 15cc spark ignition engine developed for model boats.

Mamod SE1A Static Horizontal Steam Engine and Boiler
Craftsman: Mamod
Catalog #: 2013.10.1
Donor: Chad Martin
This Mamod SE1A static horizontal steam engine and boiler was made in England. Steam toys like this were enjoyed by generations of children.

Manx 250IL 2-Cylinder Inline Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Robert Hoskins
Knapp Collection #: 140
Catalog #: 2008.10.40
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This engine turned 7,500 revolutions per minute with a 20-6 propeller on glow ignition, and flew a 35-pound airplane with ease.

Mason “Mastiff” 4-Cylinder Opposed Engine
Craftsman: T.E. Murphy
Knapp Collection #: 11
Catalog #: 2008.16.03
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This engine burns gasoline on spark ignition. it has a 19 mm bore with a 22.2 mm stroke. The Mastiff is 13”-long, 8”-wide, 9”-high, and weighs 13 lbs.

Matthew Murray Hypocycloidal Steam Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.26
Donor: Mark Petersen
This Matthew Murray hypocycloidal steam engine with planetary gear drive was originally designed in 1802.

Maverick Hit-n-Miss Engine
Craftsman: Phillip Duclos
Catalog #: 2013.50.9
Donor: George and Dorlene Root
Phillip Duclos’ Maverick hit-n-miss engine was featured in a series of issues of The Home Shop Machinist magazine.

Maytag Wash Machine Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.93
Donor: Mark Petersen
Birk Petersen built this miniature 2-cylinder Maytag wash machine engine.

McCoy .35 “Red Head” Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Dick McCoy
Catalog #: 2015.22.1
Donor: Tony Cina
A McCoy .35 “Red Head” model airplane engine with Testors instruction sheet.

McCoy Duro Glo .049 Diesel Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Dick McCoy
Catalog #: 2015.22.2
Donor: Tony Cina
A McCoy Duro Glo .049 Diesel model airplane engine with a 7” plastic prop.

McCulloch 2-Cylinder Opposed Drone Engine
Craftsman: McCulloch Motors Corporation
Catalog #: 2011.24.1
Donor: Joe Martin
This Righter-designed two-stroke cycle engine was built to power WWII target drones.

Mercury EFI Model Outboard With K&B .45 engine
Craftsman: AMPS
Catalog #: 2013.49.8
Contributor: Daniel "Buzz" Brunkow
Included here are a Johnson F1 with a .65 OS engine (left), an Evinrude F1 with a .45 OS engine (center), and a Mercury EFI F1 with a .45 K&B powerplant (right).

Micro 4-Cycle Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Ronald Valentine
Knapp Collection #: 244
Catalog #: 2011.32.2
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This air-cooled single-cylinder model airplane engine runs on methanol with glow ignition using custom made glow plugs.

Micro Cirrus 4-Cylinder Inline Engine
Craftsman: Merritt Zimmerman
Knapp Collection #: 60
Catalog #: 2008.10.18
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This Micro Cirrus inline engine runs on methanol with glow ignition, and is among the smallest multi-cylinder 4-cycle engines in the world.

Micro Cirrus 4-Cylinder Inline Engine
Craftsman: Profi M. E.
Knapp Collection #: 61
Catalog #: 2011.35.2
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Micro Cirrus 4-cylinder inline engine (water-cooled) was built at 1/12 scale. The engine is 5″-long, 6″-wide, and 4″-high.

Micro Cirrus V8 Engine
Craftsman: Merritt Zimmerman
Knapp Collection #: 113
Catalog #: 2011.35.6
Contributor: Paul Knapp
There are two variations of the model Cirrus engine from Ukraine. They run on methanol with glow ignition and are among the smallest multi-cylinder 4-cycle engines in the world.

Micro Dooling 61
Craftsman: John D. Ellis
Knapp Collection #: 153
Catalog #: 2011.27.11
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This miniature Micro Dooling is exactly 1/3-scale, burns methanol on spark ignition, and turns 38,200 revolutions per minute.

Midget Gas Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Knapp Collection #: 340
Catalog #: 2012.33.15
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The builder of this midget gas engine is unknown. The engine is 9”-long, 6”-wide, and 8.5”-high.
Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.