GIL Model Airplane Engine

GIL Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: GIL Manufacturing

Knapp Collection #: 319

Catalog #: 2012.33.4

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This GIL model airplane engine is a 1.18 cubic inch two-cycle model airplane engine produced from 1922 to 1933 by GIL Manufacturing in Chicago.

Gipsy Major MK I

Gipsy Major MK I

Craftsman: Reinhold Krieger

Knapp Collection #: 341

Catalog #: 2012.33.16

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The 1/3 scale inverted inline 4-cylinder Gipsy Major has a 1.3-inch bore and a 1.6-inch stroke for a total displacement of 8.5 cubic inches.

Gnome 160 Rotary Airplane Engine

Gnome 160 Rotary Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Ray Williams

Knapp Collection #: 114

Catalog #: 2008.10.32

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The Gnome 160 operates on gasoline with spark ignition and a pressurized oil system. It has a displacement of 27 cubic inches and the engine itself weighs 11 pounds.

Gray Horizontal Stationary Engine 

Gray Horizontal Stationary Engine 

Craftsman: Dwight Giles 

Knapp Collection #: 544

Catalog #: 2019.9.1

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This Gray horizontal stationary engine was made by Dwight Giles. It measures 16”-long, 12”-wide, 13.5”-high, and weighs 63 pounds on the base.

Guttu Offy Special 

Guttu Offy Special 

Craftsman: George "Ron" Guttu

Knapp Collection #: 569

Catalog #: 2019.9.9 

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The Guttu Offy Special has a miniature Offy engine that was scaled from drawings of the full-size original. It sports Ron’s custom made Winfield carburetors.

Handt 3-Cylinder Radial Aircraft Engine

Handt 3-Cylinder Radial Aircraft Engine

Craftsman: Erich Handt

Knapp Collection #: 191

Catalog #: 2011.27.15

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

In this design, Erich Handt used three carburetors—one for each cylinder. It runs on methanol with oil mixed in for lubrication.

Handt 5-Cylinder Radial Aircraft Engine

Handt 5-Cylinder Radial Aircraft Engine

Craftsman: Erich Handt

Knapp Collection #: 190

Catalog #: 2011.27.14

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

Erich Handt machined and constructed his first two-cycle engine in 1967, and his first successful four-cycle engine in 1971.

Hawk 40 Single-Cylinder Aircraft Engine

Hawk 40 Single-Cylinder Aircraft Engine

Craftsman: G. Punter

Knapp Collection #: 178

Catalog #: 2008.16.29

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The Hawk 40 aircraft engine has a 7/8-inch bore, 11/16-inch stroke, weighs about 14 ounces, and burns methanol on glow ignition.

Heinen 5-Cylinder Radial Engine 

Heinen 5-Cylinder Radial Engine 

Craftsman: Charles “Chuck” Harty

Knapp Collection #: 528

Catalog #: 2017.27.7

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This Heinen 5-cylinder radial engine measures 10” in diameter, 7.5”-long, and weighs 10 pounds. The drawings for Jurgen Heinen’s radial were published in Strictly IC magazine in 1990.

Heinen Motore (HEMO) V4

Heinen Motore (HEMO) V4

Craftsman: Jurgen Heinen

Knapp Collection #: 164

Catalog #: 2008.10.48

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This V4 engine has a bore of 32 mm and a stroke of 28 mm with a total displacement of 20 cc. It burns methanol on glow ignition and spins a 20 x 8 propeller up to 14,000 rpm.

Henry Ford’s First Engine

Henry Ford’s First Engine

Craftsman: Butch Wilson

Knapp Collection #: 735

Catalog #: 2023.2.1

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Butch Wilson’s exquisite rendition of Henry Ford’s first engine, dubbed the “Kitchen Sink” engine. The engine measures about 36″-long, 15″-wide, 13″-high, and weighs about 36 lbs.

Hercules Twin-Cylinder Utility Engine 

Hercules Twin-Cylinder Utility Engine 

Craftsman: Charles “Chuck” Harty 

Knapp Collection #: 520

Catalog #: 2017.27.9 

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This Hercules twin-cylinder utility engine was built by Charles Harty. Charles used castings and drawings provided by Bob Shores to complete the small utility engine.

Hi Johnson .35 Model Engine 

Hi Johnson .35 Model Engine 

Craftsman: Dynamic Models 

Catalog #: 2015.22.3 

Donor: Tony Cina 

The Hi Johnson .35 is a glow ignition single-cylinder engine that first appeared in ads in 1955. The bore is .770, and the stroke is .750.

Hit-n-Miss Engine

Hit-n-Miss Engine

Craftsman: Phillip Duclos

Catalog #: 2013.50.4

Donor: George and Dorlene Root

A scratch-built hit-n-miss engine made by Phillip Duclos without any castings.

Hodgeson 7-Cylinder Radial Airplane Engine

Hodgeson 7-Cylinder Radial Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Charles “Chuck” Harty

Knapp Collection #: 525

Catalog #: 2017.27.6

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This Hodgeson 7-cylinder radial airplane engine measures 12” in diameter, 11”-long, and weighs 10 pounds 9 ounces.

Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.