Craftsmanship Links

The Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum is dedicated to preserving, honoring, and encouraging excellence in craftsmanship of many kinds. However, because of time and space constrictions we aren’t always able to add every craftsman or project to our collection. In order to allow readers to explore even more craftsmanship content, we have provided a running list of links to craftsmanship related museums, websites, educational links, modeling kits, and more. Although the links vary in topic, they share a focus on the pursuit of great craftsmanship.

Articles on the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum

Read a 2015 article by Mark C. Bach from Classic Car Round-Up.

Read a 2014 article by Heather Benson from Carlsbad Magazine.

Read a 2011 article from the GoodGuys Gazette. Staff from the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum had attended the Western Engine Model Exhibition, which was held in conjunction with the GoodGuys Nationals Hotrod Show at Alameda Co. Fairgrounds. The organizers wrote up an article on the event which featured some items now on display, like Louis Chenot’s scale Duesenberg.

Read a 2011 article by Barbara Henry from the North County Times. The local paper covered the opening of the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum at our current Carlsbad location. 

Read a 2011 article by Craig Libuse for The Home Shop Machinist. Craig wrote a piece on Louis Chenot winning the Joe Martin Foundation Craftsman of the Decade Award after finishing his marvelous 1/6 scale Duesenberg. 

Read a 2010 article from In Flight USA.

Read a 2008 article by Matthew Rodriguez from the San Diego Union Tribune. In January, 2008 the museum was featured on the front page of the North Inland and North Coastal sections of the newspaper. It was also featured on the cover of the free “Local” edition that was distributed to both subscribers and non-subscribers. The article includes photos by Scott Linnett.

Read a 2006 article by Alexandra Deluca from the North County Times. The article covered the grand opening of the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

Read a 2006 article by Mike Rehmus from Model Engine Builder. The article covered the grand opening of the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

Read a 2006 article by Neil Knopf for The Home Shop Machinist Magazine. The article covered the grand opening of the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

Useful and Interesting Websites

Association of Professional Model Makers—The homepage for APMM offers many resources and networking tools for serious model makers. Those interested can become a member, and they also host a biennial conference.

Building Stirling Engines—This site has information on building Stirling Engines yourself, even out of everyday objects.

Fine Art Models—The ultimate source for museum quality models of aircraft, cars and ships.—This site hosts a massive machine tool reference archive with pictures and specifications.

Model Engine News—Formerly run by one of our featured craftsmen, Ron Chernich, this website has a large archive of projects and information. Ron stopped updating the site in 2013, but all of the past issues can still be seen.

Model Engineering Website—This webpage is filled with helpful information and resources regarding model engineering.

Model Motor Cars—This website run by model car enthusiasts still offers parts and kits for Pocher models, as well as many other resources.

Mysterelly—This is a webpage featuring many finely crafted internal combustion engines from the late E.F. Ellison.

The Academy of Model Aeronautics—The homepage for AMA offers a ton of resources and archives of hundreds of biographies featuring the many people who shaped model aviation.

The Nuts, Bolts, and Thingamajigs Foundation—Sponsored by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association (FMA), this foundation encourages young people to take an interest in manufacturing, and provides pathways for engaging in a manufacturing career.

William R. Smith—Visit the homepage for Master Clock Maker W.R. Smith to see his work, or purchase items and books related to clock and model making.

Wings900—This site offers a forum for model aircraft collectors, along with resources for buying and selling them.

Model Engineering Shows and Expositions

American Precision Museum Events—The APM hosts a few annual events, including a “miniatures show”, which can be found on their website.

Cabin Fever Expo—Located in Lebanon, PA, this is one of the country’s largest model engineering show, with multiple auctions and a range of vendors. The event is usually held in January.

Estevan Model Engineering Show—An annual show in Estevan, Saskatchewan, this weekend event features model engineering of all kinds.

Western Engine Model Exhibition—This exhibition is now held by the Bay Area Engine Modelers club, and details can be found through their website. The event showcases a range of different model engines and is generally held in August.

Magazines, Books, and Other Literature for Model Engineers

Digital Machinist—Another sister publication to Home Shop Machinist which focuses more heavily on electronics and machining.

Live Steam & Outdoor Railroading—A long running magazine covering all things steam technology and railroading.

Machinist’s Workshop—A sister publication to Home Shop Machinist, this magazine emphasizes shorter, smaller projects. It also covers other forms of metalworking not exclusively related to machining.

Make Magazine—A quarterly magazine jam-packed with interesting articles and projects on everything from robotics,  engines, innovations and more.

Model Building with Brass—Written by Kenneth Foran, this great book features loads of information on model building in metal with many pictures, as well as step-by-step guidance. You can buy the book from a number of retailers.

Model Engine Builder—A digital magazine for those who love internal combustion, steam, and Stirling model engines that run.

Model Engineer—Published in England, this long-running magazine covers model engineering from a European point of view. Back issues can also be ordered dating back as far as the early 1900’s.

Spitfire in my Workshop—Written by David Glen, this book covers his construction of a fine scale model Spitfire plane through full color photographs and detailed descriptions. The book can be ordered through his personal website.

The Home Shop Machinist—A community oriented magazine with a wide range of material covering home machinist topics.

Engine Videos

The Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum has several hundred model engines on display. There are also many photos of even more model engines on our website. However, one question we often hear is, “I wonder what that one sounds like?” Unfortunately, we can’t fire up most engines on display in the museum aside from those that were built for this purpose in our own shop. The following video links offer a selection of model engines built in different configurations.

Radial Engines

Three-cylinder “Halo” model radial engine—parts being made and running engine.

First running of an FSP FS400AR 5-cylinder radial engine.

A Lee Hodgson-designed 9-cylinder radial engine built by John Collier.

Watch a full-size Continental 7-cylinder radial running without propeller (in a car).

Watch a wooden cutaway radial engine demonstration from the NAMES Expo.

Starting a 14-cylinder, twin row model radial engine. (Also includes running of an Ohrendorf V-12.)

V Engines

Watch a video of Jim Moyer’s 1/6 scale “world’s smallest running Chevy V8.”

Paul Knapp starting his Challenger V8 engine at the PRIME Show in Oregon.

Running a model V-twin motorcycle engine.

Running Bob Shores’ PeeWee V4.

Ron Bement’s Ardun flathead V8 engine.

Ron Bement’s Offenhauser 270 engine.

Watch a Conley V8 being revved. There are two Conley V8’s on display in the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

Ron Colonna’s Challenger V8 was run at the NAMES show.

Running a Conley V12.

Watch a handmade 1/4 scale V8 running.

Watch a 3D animation of a fuel injected Chevy V8 engine.

Watch the assembly and running of an extremely tiny V12 engine. The engine consists of 261 pieces, 220 fasteners, and took 1,220 hours to complete. Though it runs on compressed air rather than ignition, it is still quite a triumph of miniature model engineering.

Rotary Engines

Watch Paul Knapp’s Bentley BR2 9-cylinder rotary engine flying a model airplane for the first time.

Steam and Stirling Engines

Watch a video of the Rider-Ericsson Sterling pump engine, which is on display in the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum. This propane-fired, 1/4 scale engine is one of two built by Bill Fowler in 1982, and donated by Les Cade in 2010.

Other Model Engines

The 2008 Craftsman of the Year award winner, Ron Colonna, has his own YouTube channel where you can see several of his engines in action. These include a 1/4 scale Offenhauser 270, a 1/8 scale Bentley BR2 rotary, and a 1/5 scale Gnome rotary. More are being added by Ron’s son, Dale.

View a scratch-built flat four engine.

Watch a running Taplin inline twin engine.

Starting a Holt 4-cylinder inline engine. A similar engine is on display at MECM.

See another Holt 4-cylinder engine.

Watch Pierre Scerri’s Ferrari flat-12 story from the Top Gear TV show. See another video of Pierre revving the Ferrari flat 12 engine.

Watch a computer animation showing the assembly of an in-line auto engine.

Plans, Kits, and Resources for Building Your Own Project

Aschi’s Workshop—Plans for various wooden toys and scale models.

Arek’s Murray Clocks—View a large selection of clock kits, plans, and fully assembled pieces.

MiniSteam—A wide range of steam engine models, toys, and accessories available from a variety of manufacturers.

Toys and Joys—Hundreds of excellent woodworking model plans and kits.