Webra 1.x Diesel Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Webra
Catalog #: 2018.39.2
Donor: David Tooley
A Webra 1.x Diesel model airplane engine.

Webra 2.5R Diesel Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Webra
Catalog #: 2018.39.1
Donor: David Tooley
A Webra 2.5R Diesel model airplane engine.

Webra Speed .91 RC Engine
Craftsman: Webra Modellbau GMBH
Donor: Joe Martin
This Webra Speed .91 RC engine has had very limited use. The P5 version of the engine is still in production.

Weeden #672 Toy Steam Engine and Boiler
Craftsman: Weeden
Catalog #: 2011.26.1
Contributor: Judith Haxo
The boiler of this Weeden engine is heated by electricity rather than the usual alcohol flame, making it a marginally safer toy in the 1930s.

Well Pump Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This unique steam engine was built using an old well pump from Rudy Kouhoupt’s family property.

Which Way Engine
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.107
Donor: Mark Petersen
Birk Petersen’s “Which Way” engine is a single-cylinder, double-stroke, 4-flywheel engine.

Whittle Robin Engine
Craftsman: Eric Whittle
Knapp Collection #: 450
Catalog #: 2016.8.1b
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The “Robin” engine is Eric Whittle’s custom-made award presented to Jim Schiller for his extraordinary effort, recovery, and the successful return of Mr. Whittle’s Cirrus engine.

Wilesco D6 Steam Plant
Craftsman: Wilesco
Catalog #: 2011.18.8
Donor: Joe Kunkler
A small burner underneath the boiler heats the water to make steam, which powers the single-cylinder horizontal steam engine.

Wooden Horizontal Steam Engine
Craftsman: Eckhard Fadtke
Catalog #: 2019.17.2
Donor: Eckhard Fadtke
This wooden horizontal steam engine was built by Eckhard Fadtke.

Wooden Replica WWII Jeep Motor
Craftsman: Robert Haugen
Catalog #: 2022.6.1
Donor: Robert Haugen
Robert Haugen built this miniature wooden replica of a WWII Jeep motor.

Workhorse Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
The rugged design of this steam engine is unusual, as it combines the functions of crosshead guide and cylinder support in a single set of columns.

Wright Whirlwind J5 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Charles “Chuck” Harty
Knapp Collection #: 522
Catalog #: 2017.27.13
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This Wright Whirlwind J5 model airplane engine was designed by Carl-Eric Olsryd and built by Charles Harty. Castings, gears, and bearings were provided by Mr. Olsryd of Sweden.

YS .61 4-Cycle Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2012.19.11
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS .61 4-cycle engine was probably made for a model boat with a long drive shaft. It was made in Japan.

YS 91SR Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2014.19.2
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS 91SR model airplane engine was manufactured in Japan.

YS DZ140 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2014.19.3
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS DZ140 model airplane engine was manufactured in Japan.

YS FZ53 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2014.19.1
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS FZ53 Power Wing model airplane engine was manufactured in Japan.

Zimmerman “Cirrus” 4-Cycle V8 Engine
Craftsman: Profi M.E.
Knapp Collection #: 67
Catalog #: 2008.10.21
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This 1/6 scale Zimmerman “Cirrus” 4-cycle V8 engine was built by Profi M.E., 2001. This engine includes the addition of 4 cylinders and a geared flywheel instead of a propeller hub.
Showing 18 of 678 exhibits.