Mike GR6-120 6-Cylinder 2-Cycle Radial Engine

Mike GR6-120 6-Cylinder 2-Cycle Radial Engine

Craftsman: Mike Goldowsky

Knapp Collection #: 111

Catalog #: 2011.35.5

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Mike Goldowsky designed this 6-cylinder 2-cycle engine in an attempt to make a powerful radial engine that would be economically attractive to the average modeler.

Miller 2-Cylinder DOHC Race Engine

Miller 2-Cylinder DOHC Race Engine

Craftsman: Ed Miller

Knapp Collection #: 479

Catalog #: 2016.8.31

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Ed Miller’s second engine is an inline twin DOHC with 1″ bore, 1.25″ stroke, and burns methanol (via his custom carburetors) on spark ignition.

Miller 2-Cylinder, 2-Cycle Race Engine

Miller 2-Cylinder, 2-Cycle Race Engine

Craftsman: Ed Miller

Knapp Collection #: 480

Catalog #: 2016.8.32

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Made from a pair of modified “weed-eater” engines, this 2-cylinder racing engine was slated to power a model speed boat.

Miller DOHC Water-Cooled 2-Cylinder Race Engine

Miller DOHC Water-Cooled 2-Cylinder Race Engine

Craftsman: Ed Miller

Knapp Collection #: 478

Catalog #: 2016.8.30

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Suitable for a radio-controlled car or boat, Ed Miller’s first engine is this dual-overhead-cam (DOHC) single with a bore of 1″ and a stroke of 1.25″. 

Miniature .020 Outboard Motor

Miniature .020 Outboard Motor

Craftsman: Daniel "Buzz" Brunkow

Catalog #: 2013.41.2

Contributor: Daniel "Buzz" Brunkow

Daniel Brunkow custom built this .020 outboard boat motor based on a Cox engine.

Miniature 3-Cylinder Radial Engine

Miniature 3-Cylinder Radial Engine

Craftsman: Cliff Bumpus

Knapp Collection #: 78

Catalog #: 2009.9.09 

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

Cliff Bumpus designed and machined this miniature engine from bar stock (aluminum ingots). The cylinders are spaced 120° apart in a circular pattern.

Miniature 7-Cylinder Radial Engine

Miniature 7-Cylinder Radial Engine

Craftsman: Pius Job

Knapp Collection #: 86

Catalog #: 2008.16.14

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This engine burns methanol (with oil mixed in for lubrication) on glow ignition and turns a 24-10 propeller at 6,000 rpm. The engine is 10”-long, 9”-wide, and 15”-high (on stand).

Miniature 7-Cylinder Radial Engine

Miniature 7-Cylinder Radial Engine

Craftsman: Pierre Blais

Knapp Collection #: 83

Catalog #: 2009.9.11

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This 7-cylinder radial engine burns a methanol/castor oil mixture on glow ignition. The engine is 10”-long, 11”-wide, and 12”-high. 

Miniature 7-Cylinder Radial Engine

Miniature 7-Cylinder Radial Engine

Craftsman: Lee Root

Knapp Collection #: 101

Catalog #: 2009.9.14

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This miniature 7-cylinder radial engine was machined entirely from bar stock. Mr. Root’s 7-cylinder was ahead of its time and more advanced than most miniature engines made today.

Miniature Flash Steam Engine

Miniature Flash Steam Engine

Craftsman: Unknown

Knapp Collection #: 371

Catalog #: 2016.8.5

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The builder and date for this miniature flash steam engine are unknown. All of the castings are iron and have numbers on them indicating it might have been built from a kit.

Miniature Hit-n-Miss Engine

Miniature Hit-n-Miss Engine

Craftsman: Phillip Duclos

Catalog #: 2015.11.2

Donor: Jon Harting

This tiny hit-n-miss engine was being built as a scaled down version of an engine that Mr. Duclos had previously made.

Miniature Model Ski Boat With Outboard Engine

Miniature Model Ski Boat With Outboard Engine

Craftsman: Daniel "Buzz" Brunkow

Catalog #: 2013.41.1

Contributor: Daniel "Buzz" Brunkow

Daniel Brunkow built this miniature wooden model flatbottom ski boat with a tiny outboard engine attached. The mahogany boat is only about 6″ long.

Miniature SJ7 Pulsejet Engine

Miniature SJ7 Pulsejet Engine

Craftsman: Mike Early

Knapp Collection #: 40

Catalog #: 2008.10.10

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This miniature pulsejet engine operates exactly like the V1. It burns regular gasoline and has a variable thrust range from 1/2 to 6 1/2 pounds.

Miniature Turbocharger

Miniature Turbocharger

Craftsman: Frank Kurz

Knapp Collection #: 261

Catalog #: 2011.27.33

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

Frank Kurz machined this small turbocharger from aluminum and steel bar stock, and he tested the turbo on a small engine, but the test results are unknown.

Model 100 Electric Boiler With Steam Engine

Model 100 Electric Boiler With Steam Engine

Craftsman: California Technical Toy Company

Catalog #: 2012.41.1

Donor: The Les Cade Family Trust

This toy steam plant consists of an electrically heated boiler to produce steam to power a small steam engine.

Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.