Wooden Spinning Wheel
Craftsman: Eckhard Fadtke
Catalog #: 2019.17.5
Donor: Eckhard Fadtke
This small wooden spinning wheel was handmade by Eckhard Fadtke.

Wooden Stake Bed Truck
Craftsman: George C. Russell
Catalog #: 2012.42.3
Donor: John McGinley
This wooden toy model stake bed truck is painted in vibrant green, red and yellow colors.

Wooden Toy Collection
Craftsman: Ocean Hills Woodchucks Woodworking Club
Catalog #: 2013.24.1
Donor: Ocean Hills Woodchucks Woodworking Club
Members of the Ocean Hills Woodchucks woodworking club have built and donated a variety of small wooden toys for display.

Wooden Toy Truck Coin Bank
Craftsman: George C. Russell
Catalog #: 2012.42.4
Donor: John McGinley
This wooden toy truck, built by George Russell, was made to look and function like a coin bank.

Workhorse Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
The rugged design of this steam engine is unusual, as it combines the functions of crosshead guide and cylinder support in a single set of columns.

Wright Flyer Model Airplane
Craftsman: Loren Scheer
Catalog #: 2023.1.1
Donor: Leslie Sayers & Lorie Phillips
Loren Scheer built this scale model of the Wright Flyer airplane. The uncovered model displays a wealth of detail in the wooden airframe.

Wright Whirlwind J5 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: Charles “Chuck” Harty
Knapp Collection #: 522
Catalog #: 2017.27.13
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This Wright Whirlwind J5 model airplane engine was designed by Carl-Eric Olsryd and built by Charles Harty. Castings, gears, and bearings were provided by Mr. Olsryd of Sweden.

Xythos 2mm Pinfire Pistol
Craftsman: Geof Spehar
Catalog #: 2010.17.2
Donor: Geof Spehar
This tiny pistol is a replica of a 2mm Xythos Pinfire pistol, a miniature gun that was made in Austria.

Ye Olde Hat Shop Window Diorama
Craftsman: Sara Botts
Catalog #: 2019.5.3
Donor: Van Botts
This dollhouse diorama entitled, “Ye Olde Hat Shop Window,” was built by Sara Botts.

YS .61 4-Cycle Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2012.19.11
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS .61 4-cycle engine was probably made for a model boat with a long drive shaft. It was made in Japan.

YS 91SR Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2014.19.2
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS 91SR model airplane engine was manufactured in Japan.

YS DZ140 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2014.19.3
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS DZ140 model airplane engine was manufactured in Japan.

YS FZ53 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: YS
Catalog #: 2014.19.1
Donor: Joe Bridi
This YS FZ53 Power Wing model airplane engine was manufactured in Japan.

Zero 2000 Wooden Pinhole Camera
Craftsman: Zero Image
Catalog #: 2014.29.1
Donor: Craig Libuse
This wooden pinhole camera produced by Zero Image has a cable release adapter and was made in Hong Kong.

Zimmerman “Cirrus” 4-Cycle V8 Engine
Craftsman: Profi M.E.
Knapp Collection #: 67
Catalog #: 2008.10.21
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This 1/6 scale Zimmerman “Cirrus” 4-cycle V8 engine was built by Profi M.E., 2001. This engine includes the addition of 4 cylinders and a geared flywheel instead of a propeller hub.
Showing 16 of 1296 exhibits.