Unassembled 12-Cylinder Liberty V-12 Engine
Craftsman: Louis Chenot
Catalog #: 2024.2.2
Donor: Louis Chenot
Along with his finished Liberty V-12 engine, which is part of the 1/6 Gar Wood boat, Louis Chenot also built a second 1/6 scale Liberty engine which was not fully assembled.

Unfinished Single-Cylinder Hit-n-Miss Engine
Craftsman: Phillip Duclos
Catalog #: 2013.50.2
Donor: George and Dorlene Root
Very little is known about this unfinished hit-n-miss engine built by Phillip Duclos.

V-4 Marine Steam Engine
Craftsman: William "Scotty" Hewitt
Catalog #: 2008.17.2
Donor: William "Scotty" Hewitt
A miniature oscillating V-4 marine steam engine. The throttle, lubricator, drain valve, and forward/reverse mechanism all work.

V-4 Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
Rudy Kouhoupt built this sleek scale model V-4 steam engine with four single-acting cylinders.

V-4 Stirling Cycle Engine
Craftsman: Alphonse C. Vassallo
Knapp Collection #: 233
Catalog #: 2009.9.38
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Among the numerous Stirling cycle engines that Al Vassallo designed and built is this large V-4 workhorse that he attached to a small generator and water pump.

V12 Air-Cooled OHV Model Boat Engine
Craftsman: Unknown
Knapp Collection #: 177
Catalog #: 2008.10.51
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This 60-degree, overhead valve V-12 engine was machined from billet aluminum (bar stock) with cast iron lined cylinders.

Valentine “Blitz” 1-Cylinder Diesel Engine
Craftsman: Ron Valentine
Knapp Collection #: 115
Catalog #: 2008.10.33
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Valentine “Blitz” Diesel engine was designed and built by Ron Valentine. Mr. Valentine’s engines are among the smallest in the world.

Valentine “Rasant” 1-Cylinder Diesel Engine
Craftsman: Ron Valentine
Knapp Collection #: 116
Catalog #: 2008.10.34
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Valentine “Rasant” Diesel engine is among the smallest in the world. The 2-cycle engine burns a special Diesel fuel that is less viscous and produces combustion when head and pressure are applied.

Valentine Mini Single Engine
Craftsman: Ronald Valentine
Knapp Collection #: 245
Catalog #: 2011.32.3
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Valentine mini single-cylinder model airplane engine runs on methanol with glow ignition using custom made glow plugs.

Varo Amp-Champ 12 VDC Field Generator
Craftsman: Varo Inc.
Donor: Joe Martin
The Varo Amp-Champ was powered by an Ohlsson & Rice 2-cycle, single-cylinder model airplane engine (Type 122) that was rated at 3/4 HP at 6,300 RPM.

VECO .19 Engine
Craftsman: Clarence Lee
Catalog #: 2011.23.1
Donor: Dale Nutter
This VECO .19 engine was custom designed by Clarence Lee.

VECO .35 Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: VECO
Catalog #: 2010.9.3
Donor: Joshua Vest
A VECO .35 model airplane engine with original box and instructions.

Vega .61 4-Cycle, Side-Valve Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: John Harbone
Knapp Collection #: 249
Catalog #: 2011.27.27
Contributor: Paul Knapp
The Vega .61 4-cycle, side-valve model airplane engine was built by John Harbone The engine was machined in small quantities from aluminum and steel bar stock

Vega 50 T 2-Cylinder Opposed Model Airplane Engine
Craftsman: J.C. Harbone
Knapp Collection #: 172
Catalog #: 2008.16.26
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This Vega 50 T is an 8.5 cc four-cycle, side-valve (or flat-head), two-cylinder aircraft engine that burns methanol (methyl alcohol) on glow ignition.

Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This is one of the larger model engines made by Rudy Kouhoupt, featuring a 7” flywheel.

Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This vertical steam engine can be seen running on compressed air in the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This unique miniature vertical steam engine features a tiny wooden barrel up top.

Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This small vertical steam engine is hooked up to run on compressed air while on display at the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

Vertical Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This small vertical steam engine is hooked up to run on compressed air while on display at the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.
Showing 20 of 678 exhibits.