“Little .45” Miniature Colt .45 Pistol
Craftsman: American Miniature Gun & Cartridge Co.
Catalog #: 2008.14.1
Donor: Bob Mellman
The “Little .45” is a miniature replica of the famous Colt .45 Peacemaker, and actually fires small percussion cap-like blanks.

“Good Guys” 1.5 Scale Remington Navy Revolver
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.43
Donor: Mark Petersen
Birk Petersen supersized this old .66 caliber Remington Navy revolver to one and a half times the normal size.

1/10 Scale 1-Pound Falconet Cannon
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.7
Donor: Clayton Johnson
This 1/10 scale 1-pound falconet cannon was built by Clayton Johnson for a scale model of the Swedish Warship, Vasa.

1/10 Scale 20-Pound Stormstycke Howitzer Ships Cannon
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.6
Donor: Clayton Johnson
This 1/10 scale 20-pound Stormstycke howitzer was built by Clayton Johnson for a scale model of the Swedish warship, Vasa.

1/10 Scale 3-Pound Culverin
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.3
Donor: Clayton Johnson
This is a 1/10 scale model 3-pound Culverin built by Clayton Johnson for a scale model of the Swedish warship, Vasa.

1/10 Scale 42-Pound Howitzer Ships Cannon
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.5
Donor: Clayton Johnson
This 1/10 scale 42-pound howitzer was built by Clayton Johnson for a scale model of the Swedish warship, Vasa.

1/10 Scale 82-Pound Howitzer Ships Cannon
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.4
Donor: Clayton Johnson
This 1/10 scale 82-pound howitzer was built by Clayton Johnson for a scale model of the Swedish warship, Vasa.

1/10 Scale Heavy 24-Pound Demi-Cannon
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.1
Donor: Clayton Johnson
Clayton Johnson built this historically accurate heavy 24-pound demi-cannon at 1/10 scale.

1/10 scale Light 24-Pound Demi-Cannon
Craftsman: Clayton Johnson
Catalog #: 2015.3.2
Donor: Clayton Johnson
Clayton Johnson built this historically accurate light 24-pound demi-cannon at 1/10 scale.

1/2 Scale .41 Cal Remington Double Derringer
Craftsman: Dan Osterman
Catalog #: 2013.3.19
Contributor: Bob McGinnis
This .41 caliber Remington Double Derringer pistol was built at 1/2 scale.

1/2 Scale .44 Cal Flintlock Pistol Set
Craftsman: Ron DeWalt
Catalog #: 2013.3.59
Contributor: Bob McGinnis
Ron DeWalt built this 1/2 scale .44 caliber flintlock pistol set.

1/2 Scale 1892 Winchester Rifle
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.17
Donor: Mark Petersen
This fully functional 1892 Winchester 44-40 lever action rifle was built at 1/2 scale.

1/2 Scale Gatling Gun
Craftsman: Pamela Weiss
Contributor: Pamela Weiss
This working replica of a 10-barrel Gatling gun was built by Pamela Weiss from plans available in many model engineering magazines.

1/3 Scale Gatling Gun
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.83
Donor: Mark Petersen
Along with Birk Petersen’s many engines and toys, the craftsman has also made several miniature firearms. Among them is this 1/3 scale Gatling gun on a tripod mount. It fires .22 caliber rounds. Mr. Petersen created a vast array of projects over his lifetime, ranging from miniature engines to hand-cranked animations and more. He built […]

1/3 Scale Smith & Wesson Volcanic Pistol
Craftsman: David Kucer
Donor: The Joe Martin Foundation
This 1/3 scale miniature represents a groundbreaking design by the “Volcanic Repeating Arms Company.”

1/4 Scale Thompson Submachine Gun
Craftsman: Miniart
Catalog #: 2013.3.91
Contributor: Bob McGinnis
This 1/4 scale Thompson submachine gun has a fully functional mechanism with a 30-round stick magazine.

1/4 Scale Winchester .22 Cal Model 67 Bolt Action Rifle
Craftsman: Ron DeWalt
Catalog #: 2013.3.62
Contributor: Bob McGinnis
A 1/4 scale Winchester .22 caliber Model 67 bolt action, single shot rifle.

1/6 Scale M1857 12-Pounder Napoleon Gun
Craftsman: Geoff Kidd
Catalog #: 2023.6.1
Donor: Geoff Kidd
Geoff Kidd scratch-built this 1/6 scale M1857 12-pounder Napoleon gun with accompanying limber and caisson carts.

18th Century Navy Mount Canon Kit
Craftsman: Mike Showah, American Edelstaal
Knapp Collection #: 306
Catalog #: 2012.33.1
Contributor: Paul Knapp
This cannon kit for a 13th century navy mount was distributed by American Edelstaal. The cannon is 7”-long and 5”-wide.
Showing 20 of 38 exhibits.