G-Scale Wooden Crate Load
Craftsman: Jack Wight
Donor: Jack Wight
This is a tiny wooden crate load built at G-scale for a model locomotive haul.
G-Scale Wooden Freight Station Loading Ramp
Craftsman: Jack Wight
Catalog #: 2016.17.4
Donor: Jack Wight
This wooden station freight loading ramp was built at G-scale for a model locomotive scene.
G-Scale Wooden Lumber Pallet Load
Craftsman: Jack Wight
Catalog #: 2016.17.5
Donor: Jack Wight
This wooden lumber pallet load was built at G-scale for a model locomotive scene.
General Motors Craftsman’s Guild Model Contest Coach
Craftsman: Emil Kostron
Catalog #: 2012.30.1
Donor: Ron Kostron
This General Motors Craftsman’s Guild Napoleonic coach contest model was made by Emil Kostron in 1932.
General Motors Craftsman’s Guild Model Contest Coach
Craftsman: Bernhardt Goettker
Catalog #: 2011.28.1
Contributor: Bernhardt Goettker
Bernhardt Goettker’s ornate model coach built for the General Motors Craftsman’s Guild coach contest.
Handmade Farm Wagon
Craftsman: Waco D. Hill
Catalog #: 2020.6.1
Donor: James and Jim Patten
This 1800s era farm wagon was handmade by Waco D. Hill. While still a miniature, the farm wagon was built at a fairly large scale.
Hole Boring Bus
Craftsman: Micah Carrillo
Catalog #: 2019.7.1
Contributor: Micah Carrillo
Micah Carillo designed and built this unique hole boring bus which has a sliding and rotating mechanism.
International Space Station
Craftsman: William Tompkins
Catalog #: 2014.6.70
Contributor: William Tompkins
Mr. Tompkins’ 1/600 scale model of the International Space Station.
J.I. Case & Co. Steam Traction Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This model traction engine was built by Rudy Kouhoupt at a scale of 3/4”:1’.
Manitowoc 4600 Lift Crane
Craftsman: Larry Simon
Catalog #: 2007.8.1
Donor: Larry Simon
This Manitowoc model 4600 lift crane was scratch built at 1/32 scale by Larry Simon. Even at 1/32 scale, the model boom is still well over 6-feet long.
Miniature Steamroller
Craftsman: Carl Schwam
Catalog #: 2017.9.1
Contributor: Carl Schwam
Carl Schwam built this green 20″ steamroller of his own design based on a variety of steamroller photos he had collected.
Motorcycle Made From Watch Parts
Craftsman: Dmitriy Khristenko
Knapp Collection #: 331
Catalog #: 2012.33.6
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Dmitriy Khristenko recycles parts from old wrist watches, pocket watches and eyeglasses to produce miniature motorcycles, quads, bicycles and tricycles.
Naval Galactic Carrier (SCB-44)
Craftsman: William Tompkins
Catalog #: 2014.6.73
Contributor: William Tompkins
A model of Bill’s Naval Galactic Carrier (SCB-44), which was an original design.
Naval Solar System Cruiser
Craftsman: William Tompkins
Catalog #: 2014.6.72
Contributor: William Tompkins
A 1/600 scale model of Bill’s Naval Solar System Cruiser prototype, which was an original design.
New Idea Manure Spreader
Craftsman: Birk Petersen
Catalog #: 2016.15.1b
Donor: Mark Petersen
This functional model of a horse-drawn manure spreader is about 20”-long, but the exact scale is unknown.
Partially Complete Locomotive
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Catalog #: 2023.7.1
Donor: Walter Yetman
This is a partially completed metal locomotive model that Rudy Kouhoupt was in the process of building.
Peerless Steam Traction Engine Model
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This miniature Peerless traction engine was built by Rudy Kouhoupt at a scale of 1-1/4″:1′.
Prairie Type 2-6-2 Steam Locomotive
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This model locomotive was scratch-built without castings at a scale of 3/8”:1’.
Quatrocycle Made From Watch Parts
Craftsman: Dmitriy Khristenko
Knapp Collection #: 332
Catalog #: 2012.33.7
Contributor: Paul Knapp
Dmitriy Khristenko recycles parts from old wrist watches, pocket watches and eyeglasses to produce miniature motorcycles, quads, bicycles and tricycles.
Showing 20 of 60 exhibits.