K&B Infant 20 in Dealer’s Display Box

K&B Infant 20 in Dealer’s Display Box

Craftsman: K&B, Box by George Milano

Knapp Collection #: 617

Catalog #: 2019.33.15

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Perhaps one of the first boxes used for the K&B infant in the early 1950s is this unique die-cut box that folds into a display stand.

K&B Torpedo .24 Prototypes

K&B Torpedo .24 Prototypes

Craftsman: Lud Kading

Knapp Collection #: 618

Catalog #: 2019.33.16

Contributor: Paul Knapp

These K&B Torpedo .24 prototypes were built by Lud Kading, of CA, in 1946-’47. The engines are glow and spark ignition.

Kavan FK50 MKI 2-Cylinder, Opposed Miniature Airplane Engine

Kavan FK50 MKI 2-Cylinder, Opposed Miniature Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Franz Kavan

Knapp Collection #: 49

Catalog #: 2008.16.07

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This 2-cylinder miniature opposed airplane engine burns methanol on glow ignition. Later production engines became available with a shielded spark ignition.

King “741” 7-Cylinder Radial Airplane Engine

King “741” 7-Cylinder Radial Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Stephen J. King

Knapp Collection #: 200

Catalog #: 2008.16.42

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This King “741” 7-cylinder, two-cycle, air-cooled radial airplane engine is similar in appearance to the “Gnome” rotary engines of WWI.

King “T85” 2-Cylinder, Air-Cooled Inline Engine

King “T85” 2-Cylinder, Air-Cooled Inline Engine

Craftsman: Stephen J. King

Knapp Collection #: 198

Catalog #: 2008.16.41

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Stephen J. King designed and built this two-cylinder engine in 2005. It has an open crankcase for visual effect while the engine is operating.

Kinner 5-Cylinder Radial Airplane Engine

Kinner 5-Cylinder Radial Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Merritt Zimmerman

Knapp Collection #: 44

Catalog #: 2008.10.12

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Merritt Zimmerman designed, drafted, fabricated and tested this 1/4 scale model Kinner 5-cylinder radial engine.

Kinner Radial Model Airplane Engine

Kinner Radial Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Charles “Chuck” Harty

Knapp Collection #: 523

Catalog #: 2017.27.8

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This Kinner radial model airplane engine was built using construction articles published in Strictly IC magazine. It has a 1.062 bore and a 1.312 stroke for a total displacement of 5.8 cubic inches.

Kitty Hawk Engine

Kitty Hawk Engine

Craftsman: Unknown

Knapp Collection #: 317

Catalog #: 2016.8.2

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This model Kitty Hawk engine was designed by Edgar T. Westbury, of England, in the 1940s. The actual builder is unknown.

Kunze 5-Cylinder Radial Model Airplane Engine

Kunze 5-Cylinder Radial Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 337

Catalog #: 2012.33.12

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Kunze Single-Cylinder K-35 Model Airplane Engine

Kunze Single-Cylinder K-35 Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 334

Catalog #: 2012.33.9

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 333

Catalog #: 2012.33.8

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 336

Catalog #: 2012.33.11

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 338

Catalog #: 2012.33.13

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Kunze Single-Cylinder Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 339

Catalog #: 2012.33.14

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Kunze Twin-Cylinder Opposed Model Airplane

Kunze Twin-Cylinder Opposed Model Airplane

Craftsman: Fred Kunze

Knapp Collection #: 335

Catalog #: 2012.33.10

Contributor: Paul Knapp

The best-known model engine that Fred Kunze designed was the K-35, which was first produced in 1976. All of the K-35’s have two exhaust ports with both front and rear bypasses.

Le Rhone Rotary Aero Engine

Le Rhone Rotary Aero Engine

Craftsman: Ray Williams

Knapp Collection #: 576

Catalog #: 2019.10.4 

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

Ray WIllliams built his Le Rhone 80 HP rotary aero engine to exact scale by using original factory drawings and parts from the full-size engine.

Magnum 182 V-Twin Model Airplane Engine

Magnum 182 V-Twin Model Airplane Engine

Craftsman: Peter Roffe and Brian Stammer  

Knapp Collection #: 137 

Catalog #: 2009.9.22

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

Peter Roffe and Brian Stammer combined two-cylinder assemblies from their single-cylinder 91S to make this 90° V-twin 182.

Showing 20 of 262 exhibits.

Presented by The Joe Martin Foundation for Exceptional Craftsmanship