2-6-0 Camelback Steam Locomotive
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This is one of several locomotives built by Rudy Kouhoupt at 3/8”:1’ scale.
2-8-0 Steam Locomotive
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
Rudy Kouhoupt scratch-built this 2-8-0 steam locomotive at a scale of 3/8″:1′.
Prairie Type 2-6-2 Steam Locomotive
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This model locomotive was scratch-built without castings at a scale of 3/8”:1’.
3-Cylinder Radial Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This 3-cylinder radial steam engine can also be hooked up to run on compressed air.
5-Cylinder Radial Steam Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This 5-cylinder radial airplane engine runs on steam, but can also be hooked up to run on compressed air.
Pioneer Non-Compressive Internal Combustion Engine
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
This unique project is a Pioneer non-compressive internal combustion engine.
Steam Traction Engine (3/4″:1′ Scale)
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
Another one of Rudy Kouhoupt’s larger projects, this is a model steam-powered traction engine built at a scale of 3/4”:1’.
Copperhead Steam Roller
Craftsman: Rudy Kouhoupt
Donor: Susan Alvaro
Rudy Kouhoupt built this miniature steam roller, a “Copperhead,” in 1977.
Showing of exhibits.