Martin Foster’s Scratch built B-17G

Martin Foster’s Scratch built B-17G

10 years in the making, Martin recently delivered this exceptionally detailed model to the museum. He initially planned to build just the nose section but, in the end, decided to build the entire fuselage. Built to 1/20th scale, the fuselage is 50 inches long. All...
Bentley BR2 Rotary Aero Engine

Bentley BR2 Rotary Aero Engine

This 1/4 scale model Bentley BR2 rotary engine was built by Paul Knapp, of Arizona, in 1993. The model weighs almost 12.5 pounds without stand. L=14″, W=12.5″, H=14″.  Paul Knapp constructed this model with the help of Lew Blackmore’s book,...
Edwards 5-Cylinder Radial

Edwards 5-Cylinder Radial

Forest Edwards builds and flies scale model airplanes and engineers miniature engines.  He has won numerous awards for his scale airplanes, engines and flying skills. In the early 1980s, Edwards designed and developed this 5-cylinder radial engine to power his...