Elna Junior Travel Sewing Machine

by | Nov 23, 2024 | What's New

This Elna Junior is a working miniature travel sewing machine that was made in Switzerland.

An original Elna Junior sewing machine is now on display at the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum.

The Elna Junior is a working toy sewing machine and miniature version of the Elna Supermatic. Made in Geneva, Switzerland in the 1950s, not only is this tiny sewing machine made for travel or smaller repairs, but it also serves as a music box. The music boxes in the Elna Junior machines are made by Thorens, a Swiss audio equipment company founded in 1883 by Hermann Thoren. 

The music box works by first pushing in the circular knob below “Junior.” Then, the diamond-shaped knob below that is turned. Finally, the circular knob must be pulled to start the song. While it is unknown which song this specific machine plays, others are known to have featured “My Old Kentucky Home” and “The Blue Danube.”

This piece was donated to the museum as part of the Birk Petersen collection although it was made and manufactured by Elna. Mr. Petersen created a vast array of projects over his lifetime, ranging from miniature engines to hand-cranked animations and more. We thank the Petersen family for sharing his extensive collection, which demonstrates the broad interests and many talents of Birk Petersen.

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