This dollhouse scene built by Michael Sue Nanos is entitled, “Honey Cart.” The miniature is on loan courtesy of the San Diego Miniature Crafters Association. Inspired by her father’s hives, Michael Sue dipped into the best of her talents to create this tribute to bees and beekeepers.

Building a thatch roofed cart provided the perfect display for her beautifully handmade honey related items. After collecting itsy bitsy jars, she filled them with perfectly colored resin matched to each type of honey. The jars with honeycomb are fantastic, and contribute to the uniqueness of this little project. 

The on-of-a-kind miniature vignette includes honey dippers, honey soap, hive and bee decor, and a baby’s bee themed pull toy. Michael Sue is the owner of “Ms. Peggie’s Place,” which is one of only a handful of brick-and-mortar miniature stores. 

Michael Sue’s parents were skilled artists who encouraged her creativity as soon as she could hold a crayon. She has been learning the art of miniatures over the past 40 years. Currently, she has a class of 30 children who meet at Ms. Peggie’s Place to learn building skills no longer covered in public schools. Her need to pass on her mini-making knowledge is joyfully fulfilled each time she sits down with her students. 

Exhibit added: May 20, 2021 - Last modified: August 7, 2024