426 Hemi Powered Cobra

426 Hemi Powered Cobra

Craftsman: Roger Butzen

Knapp Collection #: 783

Catalog #: 2024.5.19

Contributor: Paul Knapp

Roger Butzen built this 426 hemi powered Cobra and modified the miniature car to be operated by radio control.

British MK IV Battle Tank

British MK IV Battle Tank

Craftsman: Stephen J. King

Knapp Collection #: 243

Catalog #: 2011.27.24

Contributor: Paul Knapp 

This 1/16 scale model British MK IV battle tank was built from 1/16 steel sheet, and over 1,200 steel rivets were made and set by hand.

SR11 Electric RC Car

SR11 Electric RC Car

Craftsman: Nic Case

Catalog #: 2018.41

Donor: Nic Case

The SR11 electric RC car has a top speed run of 173 mph, and preceded Mr. Case’s record setting RC Bullet run of 202 mph.

Showing 3 of 3 exhibits.

Presented by The Joe Martin Foundation for Exceptional Craftsmanship