Club Visits—The Pacific Coast Corvettes Club

by | Apr 27, 2023 | What's New

The Pacific Coast Corvettes club visited the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum in April 2023.

Our friends from the Pacific Coast Corvettes club recently came down from Orange County to visit the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum. PCC members parked several Corvettes outside which presented a unique opportunity for visitors to see the pristine full-size cars, and then come indoors to view our collection of miniature cars and engines. It was a beautiful April day to admire the polished Corvettes along with miniatures like Lee Root’s 1/4 scale Corvette V-8 on display in the museum. We thank the Pacific Coast Corvettes club for stopping by. See photos of the visit below. Additionally, the PCC May newsletter included a nice write-up on their visit, which you can read through the following links. The Corvette Waves May 2023 Issue: Cover, Page One and Page Two.

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