This hit n’ miss powered saw was built by Ron Schindele, of AZ, in 2000. Ron built the engine from Coles Power Model castings and couldn’t allow it to set idle. With its bore of 1.25, and stroke of 1.875, it has enough power and mass to be put to use. He built the saw from a photo of an old farmstead in North Dakota and demonstrated its capability at many model engineering shows. Ron used 1-inch diameter or 1-inch square lengths of wood for demonstration and the saw cuts through them like butter. It is quite a treat for the kids, both young and old. Mr. Knapp has given the Craftsmanship Museum permission to run and demonstrate this project for visitors. The hit n’ miss powered saw is 28″-long, 20″-wide, 12″-high, and weighs 50 lbs.