Closely resembling the Jacobs 7-cylinder radial engine, Maxse Tayler used the piston and cylinder assemblies from the commercially manufactured Saito 120 model airplane engines to build this one. Everything else was fabricated or machined from bar stock. Mr. Tayler, of British Columbia, Canada, finished his Maxse T-Seven in 1996.
The engine sports a full complement of accessories including electronic ignition, shielded wiring, fuel primer pump, fuel-air mixture control, high altitude carburetor pre-heater, two oil pumps, two generators, and dual magnetos. The lubrication system uses a dry sump and two-stage oil pump.
It took Maxse several months just to design and fabricate the tooling to balance the master rod assembly. After completion it was equipped with oil pressure and vacuum gages for monitoring performance during operation.
It took approximately 7 years to complete. The engine is 31″-long, 31″-wide, and 21″-high (on its table stand).