AMPS makes high powered outboards for the serious R/C boat racer. Detailed engine covers enclose .45 and .65 inch engines driving 3-bladed props. They are scaled to run on models of tunnel-hulled Formula 1 closed course racing boats. Though expensive, you could be assured you would have a fast boat with one of these driving it. Included here are a Johnson F1 with a .65 OS engine (left), an Evinrude F1 with a .45 OS engine (center), and a Mercury EFI F1 with a .45 K&B powerplant (right). 

These engines are on loan from Daniel “Buzz” Brunkow. Mr. Brunkow has a large engine collection and is also a builder of engines and fine wooden models. Several unusual pieces from his collection are currently on display at the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum in Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Brunkow has also contributed a model wooden Cushman scooter and Chris-Craft Cobra for display.

Three AMPS model racing outboard motors. The Johnson F1 with .65 OS engine is on the left. The Evinrude F1 with .45 OS engine is in the center. The Mercury EFI F1 with .45 K&B powerplant is on the right.

Exhibit added: November 30, 2013 - Last modified: April 5, 2023