This 1/32 scale Isuzu-Morita fire truck is a hose tender with two hose carts. The model was scratch-built from plastic kit parts, balsa and bass wood. This vehicle is tailored to meet the special demands of fighting a fire in a crowded city like Tokyo. The truck carries two hose carts that are rolled down ramps in the back, and can be pushed by hand down narrow alleys while laying out hose. A full-size Isuzu-Morita hose cart truck was capable of pumping 500 gallons per minute. 

Details like siren, bell, emergency lights, loudspeaker, mirrors, controls, ladders and such are all scratch-built as well. One cart rides inside the back of the truck and the other rides on top of a platform in the back. A handle at the front of the truck swings up for two firemen to pull it.

The late Tom Showers was a prolific builder of model fire engines and an apparatus historian. Many of his over 450 models are on display in fire museums like the one in Los Angeles. We are privileged to have some of his models on display courtesy of model builder and fire apparatus historian, John Ackerman. Tom Showers served as John’s mentor in model making.

Exhibit added: November 12, 2012 - Last modified: April 19, 2023