At the end of WWII, modelers began designing and building miniature pulse jets to power their u-control airplanes. Dyna-Jet was one of the first companies to produce commercial pulse jets and their engine quickly became the standard for modelers. It is a simple valve type engine that produces substantial power for the weight, and it will burn almost any flammable liquid for fuel.

This model measures 24.5″-long, 19″-wide, 4.5″-high, and weighs 1 pound, 10-1/2 ounces dry. The fuselage, the bulk of which is fuel tank, is made from sheet brass that was formed and soldered together. The wing and stabilizer are typical balsa and hardwood construction and the control lines exit the nearside wing tip.

The three-wheel takeoff cradle is constructed of piano wire bound and soldered and it sports a unique hold-down assembly over the wings to gently clamp the airplane to the cradle for transport. Some of these pulse jet race planes were capable of speeds in excess of 160 miles per hour in the 1940s. The builder and date for this model are unknown.

Exhibit added: November 1, 2016 - Last modified: July 11, 2024