The workhorse bomber in Europe during WWII was known as the “Flying Fortress.” It began development in 1935 and carried a crew of 10. The aircraft went on to serve in every WWII combat zone, and by the time production ended in May 1945, about 12,731 aircraft had been built by Boeing, Douglas and Vega (a subsidiary of Lockheed). It had a range of 2,000 miles and a ceiling of 35,600 feet. A number of external guns were needed to protect it from enemy fighters, as fighter escorts early in the war didn’t have the range to accompany the bombers all the way to their targets over enemy territory. This wooden model B-17 has a “U” emblem on the tail and is #483514.

Exhibit added: July 25, 2013 - Last modified: April 28, 2023