Barry Robinson, of England, machined this entire engine from bar stock in the 1990s. It has a bore of 19 mm and a stroke of 19.2 mm for a total displacement of 10.9 cc. The cylinders are lined with chrome plated brass liners, and the pistons incorporate compression rings. It burns methanol on glow ignition. Castor oil is mixed with the fuel for internal lubrication, but the rocker arms require manual lubrication before running the engine. Barry constructed only three of these 2-cylinder airplane engines as well as a few 5-cylinder and 9-cylinder radial engines. Several of the components in this engine were used to construct the other variations he designed. This engine is 6″-long, 8″-wide, and 4″-high.

Exhibit added: May 1, 2008 - Last modified: March 15, 2023