Caloric Hot Air Engine

Caloric Hot Air Engine

Craftsman: Roger Butzen

Knapp Collection #: 755

Catalog #: 2024.5.2

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This Caloric hot air engine was built by Roger Butzen of Texas.

Reversible Hot Air Engine

Reversible Hot Air Engine

Craftsman: Daniel L. Fountain

Catalog #: 2018.44.1

Donor: Daniel L. Fountain

This directionally reversible hot air engine was built and donated by Daniel L. Fountain.

Rider Ericsson Hot Air Engine

Rider Ericsson Hot Air Engine

Craftsman: Roger Butzen

Knapp Collection #: 754

Catalog #: 2024.5.1

Contributor: Paul Knapp

This Rider Ericsson hot air engine was built by Roger Butzen of Texas.

Showing 3 of 3 exhibits.

Presented by The Joe Martin Foundation for Exceptional Craftsmanship