Along with the Craftsman of the Year and Lifetime Achievement awards, the foundation also sometimes gives special recognition to those who contribute to craftsmanship through expertise or innovation. The foundation has given out a few of these awards for work which highlights exceptional craftsmanship that helps to elevate the field for everyone. In addition to this, for a number of years the foundation was able to recognize the work of young craftsman, too. The Craftsman of the Year winner for 2002, Young C. Park, decided to donate his own winnings back to the foundation to support youth participation in craftsmanship. Using these funds, the foundation started an award under Mr. Park’s name which was divided among youth entrants (under the age of 20) in the Sherline Machinist’s Challenge contest. The contest was held each April at the North American Model Engineering Society expo, and because of Mr. Park’s generosity the foundation was able to reward youth participants each year through 2009.

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Special Recognition Honorees

Joe Vicars (right) received his Special Award for Innovation from Foundation representative Craig Libuse in 2003.

Joe Vicars (right) received his Special Award for Innovation from Foundation representative Craig Libuse in 2003.

Joe Vicars sent in video of a small automatic tool changer that he had developed in his own garage. The tool changer fit onto a Sherline or other small milling machine. Joe Martin was very impressed with the design and inventiveness of the project, so he gave Mr. Vicars a Special Award for Innovation and Craftsmanship. The award certificate and a $50 check were presented to Mr. Vicars at the NAMES exposition in Detroit on April 27, 2003. 

The five winners of the Young C. Park Youth Award stand with Craig Libuse.

The five winners of the Young C. Park Youth Award stand with Craig Libuse in 2003.

2002 Craftsman of the Year winner Young C. Park donated his $1000.00 winnings back to the foundation to encourage and support craftsmanship among young people. The foundation used the money to award $500.00 each year to the entrants in a new youth division of the Sherline Machinist’s Challenge contest. After the original amount was rewarded, the foundation continued to fund the Young C. Park Award each year through 2009 to encourage more young people to work toward outstanding craftsmanship.

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