Below you can view more photos of Tom’s remarkable scale model fire apparatus. Click on images to enlarge.
Scale Model Fire Apparatus
1900 American LaFrance Searchlight Engine #1, FDNY
This engine is made from sheet styrene plastic and tubing. The “crown” of the steamer is turned aluminum.
1915 Robinson, Marion (OH) FD
Originally, all the smaller parts like the headlights, spotlights, siren, and air chamber were carved from wood.
1934 Ahrens-Fox Model VLU 42
Tom’s 1/32 scale Ahrens-Fox model is courtesy of John Ackerman. It’s a standard line quad in an unusual black color.
1932 Seagrave Rescue Car, Sacramento FD
Tom made this model from basswood, with turned pine for the searchlights, and turned aluminum for the siren, bell and other small parts. The wheels are from Renwal’s military wrecker kit.
1932 Seagrave Rescue Car Detail
The ladders are made from basswood with carefully shaped bamboo rungs.
1932 Seagrave Rescue Car Detail
This model also illustrates Tom’s ability with hand lettering, pin striping, and intricate embellishment.
1937 Mack Type 21, FDNY
The engine was made from basswood, with Renwal’s wrecker kit wheels. The scaling ladders are also basswood with some other turned aluminum parts and accessories.
1955 Bedford Aerial Ladder Truck, Aalborg (Denmark) FD
This five-section aerial is made from 1/32” square basswood, with 1/32” x 1/16” strip stock for the rungs. The cable is button thread, properly wired to allow for sequential extension of the aerial sections by turning the cable drum at the base of the aerial. The aerial raises with a screw mechanism.
1955 Bedford Aerial Ladder Truck, Aalborg (Denmark) FD
An old television tuning wand paired with a flathead screwdriver blade are encased in a tube, which is fitted over slotted tubes on both the cable drum and raise mechanism. This photo shows a detail of the Magirus aerial raise mechanism.
1973 Howe/Hendrickson Manifold Wagon, Luna Beach FD
This 1/32 scale model served in Tom’s fictional Luna Beach Fire Department.
1973 Howe/Hendrickson Manifold Wagon, Luna Beach FD
Tom made this engine from sheet styrene plastic with turned aluminum parts and accessories. The ladders are basswood with spaghetti rungs. Wheels are from the Aurora kit.
Isuzu-Morita Hose Cart Truck
Tom’s Isuzu-Morita hose cart truck, built at his usual 1/32 scale. Donated by John Ackerman, this vehicle is tailored to meet the special demands of fighting a fire in a crowded city like Tokyo.
Isuzu-Morita Hose Cart Truck
The truck carries two hose carts that are rolled down ramps in the back, and can be pushed by hand down narrow alleys while laying out hose.
Isuzu-Morita Hose Cart Truck
An actual full-size Isuzu-Morita hose cart truck. It’s capable of pumping 500 gallons per minute.
Fire Apparatus Display
A small display that Tom put up at a shoe store in Malakole, Hawaii. An American LaFrance aerial and a more modern pumper of Tom’s design are shown.
LBFD Fire Boat
The Luna Beach fire boat was made from basswood, and plastic tubular shapes from EMA searchlights were turned from wood.
LBFD Fire Boat
The forward monitor was carved from basswood, and the barrel and nozzle are turned aluminum. The outlet manifold is from tubular ABS plastic, and the outlets are turned aluminum.
LBFD Fire Boat
The detailed interior of Tom’s LBFD fire boat. The pilot and engineer are modified figures from a Renwal wrecker kit.
LBFD Fire Boat
The fire boat’s snorkel boom was made from styrene plastic, and was added years after the original construction of the fire boat.
1984 Pierce Pumper
A 1984 Pierce pumper running as P3. The 13 represents a new mutual aid system where specific cities are given a “city number,” and the specific station the apparatus runs out of. Luna Beach was city number 1, thus the 13. The model was made from sheet styrene plastic and scrounged kit parts, including the wheels. Ladders are basswood with spaghetti rungs. Wagon battery tubular components are ABS plastic. The barrel and nozzle of the wagon battery is turned aluminum.
1991 Seagrave Pumper
Luna Beach FD Pump 11 is a 1991 Seagrave pumper. The pumper is made from sheet styrene plastic with turned aluminum parts, and wheels/tires from an Aurora kit. Wagon battery components and angled outlets are ABS plastic from Plastruct.
1957 Crown Firecoach Pumper, LAFD
Tom’s scale 1957 Crown Firecoach pumper for LAFD, Engine 31. The full-size rig was Tom’s engine at Fire Station 31. The pumper was made from sheet and strip stock basswood, with turned aluminum parts and accessories. The wheels came from a Renwal wrecker kit.
1830 Gooseneck Style Pumper
Tom’s scale replica of an 1830 Gooseneck style hand-drawn pumper. This was built early in Tom’s modeling career, and it’s possible that no color photos of this project exist. The model was made from balsa wood with wagon kit wheels.
Miniature Tools and Equipment
An assortment of miniature tools and equipment including: a Stokes rescue basket, generator, floodlight, resuscitator (complete with face piece), cellar nozzle, rubbish hook, gas-powered 12” blower, and battering ram.
Tom’s Model Workshop
Fire Apparatus on Display
Tom’s fire station display rack on the right, and one of his two apparatus display cases.
Tom With His Display
Tom’s second display case along with Luna Beach fire boats, ship models, and numerous awards from model shows. Tom was supervising from the left. This photo was taken in 1976.