Below you can view more photos of Steve’s remarkable craftsmanship. Click on images to enlarge. All engraved designs are copyrighted by Steve Lindsay, and may not be copied or reproduced in any form without written permission.
Folding Knife
This folding knife was made by Steve Hoel, and engraved by Steve Lindsay. The handle has lack lip pearl inlays.
Handgun Engraving
This handgun was featured on the cover of the January, 1987 issue of Guns Magazine.
Pocket Watch Engraving
This close-up of Steve’s work shows the perfection of line thickness, spacing, and design that makes his craftsmanship stand out.
Jack Busfield Folder
A folder made by Jack Busfield from 416 stainless. Steve covered 100% of the stainless with raised, sculptured 24K gold inlays. The handle is white pearl.
Knife Engraving
This knife was made by Rick Genovese and engraved by Steve Lindsay. In addition to graphic patterns and animals, people are sometimes the subject of Steve’s engravings.
Big Horn Sheep Engraving
This big horn sheep shows the expertise of Steve’s art and engraving technique when it comes to animals.
Steve Hoel Folder
Another folder knife made by Hoel and engraved by Steve Lindsay. This one has apple green jade handle inlays. The fox scene is bulino engraving, and the scroll is banknote style line engraving.
Fox Drawing
This drawing of a fox was also done by Steve. The artistic quality of his engraving work is based on his ability to produce expert designs from his own artwork.
Steve Hoel Folder
Another all metal folder from Mr. Hoel. Steve Lindsay made the scroll designs with banknote engraving.
Steve Hoel Folder
This Hoel folder has stone handle inlays. The fawn and bobcat kitten scenes are bulino engraving by Steve.
Jack Busfield Folder
This folder also has jade handle inlays by Steve, along with bankroll engraving on the scroll.
Ron Lake Folder
This folder was made by Ron Lake and engraved by Steve Lindsay. Notice the small screwdriver, which is normally hidden in the butt of the knife.
Ron Lake Folder
The folder has bulino engraving on the animal scenes, and banknote engraving on the scroll.