Below you can view more photos of Robert Talbot’s firearm projects. Click on images to enlarge. All photos are courtesy of Ken Lewitzka.
Wooden Revolvers
Colt Frontier Revolver
Robert’s wooden replica of a Colt Frontier revolver from the mid-1880’s. The model was still in the works here.
Colt Frontier Revolver
This was among the last of the single action pistols to be produced. After these models, most pistols were made with a double action design. Double action means that the gun can be fired by either cocking the hammer manually, or by simply pulling the trigger to cock the hammer and fire.
Colt Frontier Revolver
The finished Colt Frontier revolver in its custom presentation case, along with the carved bullets and cleaning rod.
Colt Navy Revolvers
Robert’s matching pair of Colt Navy revolvers during an early stage of construction.
Colt Paterson Revolver
Some of the wooden components of Robert’s Colt Paterson revolver during construction.
Colt Peacemaker Revolver
This model uses a metal coil spring in the ejector, as there was simply no way to duplicate its function in wood.
Colt Pocket Revolver
Ken Lewitzka noted that, “The Pocket revolver was another challenge for Mr. Talbot. Because of the size, the main spring had to bend quite far without breaking with continuous use. It works fine, but Mr. Talbot said he would not care to make another of the ‘pesky little things.’”
Colt Walker Revolver
Robert’s wooden Colt Walker revolver. The black components were made from buffalo horn. These parts would wear too much if they were made from wood, and a couple of the trigger springs are metal, too. The rest of the revolver, including the main spring, was made from wood.
Colt Walker Revolver
Mr. Talbot could not get a hold of an original Walker revolver to copy, but the workings are similar to the Dragoon. Also, Ken Lewitzka helped Robert find and download as many pictures as possible from the internet for reference.
Colt Walker Revolver
As Ken noted, “We knew the barrel size, so on a computer we enlarged the pictures to scale, and this gave us the measurements of all the parts. We also printed the pictures out onto a stiff board, and Robert was able to use these as templates. In the collection, this was the ‘problem child’ as there are so few originals available.”
Webley Revolver
The Webley model includes an optional rifle stock and bayonet, which are attached to the pistol here.