Below you can view photos of the construction process for some of Richard’s fine work. Click on images to enlarge. Studio photos of Richard’s work are courtesy of Ron Erickson.
The USS Monitor Steam Engine
USS Monitor Engine
You can see from the frame members underneath that the engine was a tight fit in its compartment.
USS Monitor Engine
The small clock on the right is about 1/2″ in diameter. At this time it’s non-functional, but if Richard can find a working mechanical clock small enough, he will substitute it.
Hypocycloidal Pumping Engine
Hypocycloidal Pumping Engine
This Matthew Murray Hypocycloidal pumping engine, from 1806 to 1810, was built in 1/8 scale.
Original Hypocycloidal Pumping Engine
Henry Ford purchased this 1806 engine in England in 1923. He brought it to his museum, seeing it as worthy of preservation as part of our industrial history.