Below you can view more photos of Perry’s wooden scale model construction equipment. Click on images to enlarge.
Perry’s Wood Shop
Multiple angles from inside Perry’s shop reveal some of his tools, and the large workspace he had set aside for building his wooden models.
Perry’s Cranes on Display
Some of Perry’s larger models of construction equipment are seen on display at an industry trade show.
Perry’s Cranes on Display
Some of these models were used for display, some were built for training, and some were made simply for child’s play.
Rootballing Machine
Perry didn’t always model the famous equipment. The two trucks pictured here and in the following image are used for scooping up the root ball of large trees. In doing so they can be relocated without damage.
Model Rootballing Machine
In modeling the unusual equipment above, Perry’s accurate scale pieces demonstrate the functions of the originals, as well.
Model Rootballing Machine
Perry was interested in all kinds of heavy equipment, not just the pieces commonly modeled by others.
Model Tree Hauler
Another type of tree hauler model gets put to the test moving a small plant. This would have been used for relocating very large trees, or other heavy objects.
Model Tree Hauler
Similarly, this type of equipment would have been used to dig up a tree and move it a short distance on the same site, or to load it onto a rig like the first hauler.
Model Crane
The boom of this giant crane is over two stories tall. The crane is seen here lifting a red and white tower or mast of some sort. Regardless of what it is, the crane is certainly doing a good job of lifting it.
Model Crane
This huge scale model crane was set up next to Perry’s garage to test its weight capacity and functionality.
Model Six-Axle Crane Truck
A wooden scale model six-axle crane truck, with three and three arrangement.
Six-Axle Crane Truck
Another six-axle crane truck that Perry modeled in the following photo. This truck is from TNT, and named, “Red Bull—Pride of the Texas Gulf Coast.”
Model McRay Boom Truck
Many sections of the boom slide inside of each other to give this portable crane truck a very long reach.
Model McRay Boom Truck
With three axles in front, and five in the back, the truck is set up to haul a lot of weight.
Model Forklift
Not many people would model a forklift, but Perry did. He even made a box load for the model to pick up.
Liebherr Eight-Axle Crane Truck
The full-size Liebherr crane truck that Perry modeled in the following pictures.
Model Six-Axle Crane Truck
Another wooden model six-axle crane truck, but this one carries a much larger crane. So large, in fact, that it has its own four-axle dolly to support the rear of the crane. It has ten axles in total.
Model Four-Axle Crane Truck
This four-axle truck equipped with outriggers looks fairly simple compared to some of Perry’s others. However, it still has a lot of detail and moving parts that had to be designed.
Refinery Crane
Building big structures, like oil refineries, requires big cranes—like the full-size one illustrated here.
Model Refinery Crane
This unusual crane was modeled after the one in the illustration prior. The model was completed down to the very load that it’s carrying in this photo.
Model Tractor and Trailer
This is a simpler model that Perry built more as a toy than a detailed representation. The model tractor with ripper sits atop a lowboy trailer, which is towed by a Diesel semi. Despite being built as more of a toy, the model still has a lot of sturdy details. It would definitely be the coolest toy in any sandbox!
Model Two-Axle Crane
A two-axle portable crane. Although Perry built equipment ranging from tree haulers to cement trucks, he obviously had a love for equipment that lifted things.
Model Semi-Tractor With Lo-Boy Trailer
This photo shows the trailer with a load that might be headed for the oil fields.
Model Semi-Tractor With Lo-Boy Trailer
In this photo, a different semi model hauls a trailer built for heavier loads. Instead of three axles, this trailer has seven!
Model Cement Truck
The wooden scale model cement truck. The broken side mirror has since been repaired, but it does indicate that the trucks were played with—which was their ultimate purpose!