Below you can view more photos of Martin’s scale model airplanes. Click on images to enlarge. Martin has also documented his scratch-built scale models in greater detail on his Facebook page.
1/20 Scale B-17G Fuddy Duddy
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Interior
Control cables and equipment are visible through the crew hatch on the port side of the fuselage. Martin noted that this was one of the hardest parts to build because most of it is very difficult to see.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Interior
Looking forward into the cockpit. Access to the bombardier and navigator’s position can be seen in the bottom center of the photo.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Interior
This photo was taken during construction of the top turret after the ammo boxes were installed.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Cockpit
Looking inside the cockpit from the starboard side. Martin made the seat cushions from epoxy resin.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Cockpit
The B-17G cockpit before seats were installed. Notice the incredible level of detail in the instrument panel.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Interior
A scale .50 caliber machine gun hangs opposite the navigator’s seat. Martin made all the guns from scrap plastic and bits of wire.
1/20 Scale Browning Machine Guns
Two finished Browning machine guns ready to be set inside the fuselage.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Interior
Waist gun equipment on the wall before the Browning .50 cal was installed.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Fuselage
Once completed, the nose, bomb bay, and radio room sections were joined together.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Fuselage
In this photo, the ball turret is actually in place underneath the fuselage.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Tail
Early progress on the B-17G tail construction. The rudder and Cheyenne tail turret were coming along nicely.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Dry Fit
With the forward section complete, Martin attached the unfinished tail section to the fuselage for a “dry fit.”
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Dry Fit
The dry fit process allowed Martin to see how the whole fuselage was shaping up, and to check for any potential problems.
Cheyenne Turret Components
Several scratch-built components for the Cheyenne tail turret. A match reveals just how tiny these pieces really are.
1/20 Scale Browning Machine Gun
A finished Browning machine gun ready to be installed in the Cheyenne tail turret.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Tail
Martin took this unique photo looking up into the Cheyenne tail turret. He noted the cramped conditions that a gunner would endure here.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Tail
The tail section was coming along here with the Cheyenne tail turret completed and painted decals applied.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy
After ten years of construction, Martin Foster finished his impressive 1/20 scale B-17G Fuddy Duddy fuselage.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy Ball Turret
A closer look at the finished ball turret. This piece alone is replete with fine details.
B-17G Fuddy Duddy
This close-up shows one of the doors that Martin built on the fuselage. He made the hinges from plastic with some aluminum pieces for reinforcement.
Martin With His B-17G
Martin Foster stands with his finished 1/20 scale model B-17G Fuddy Duddy. We thank Mr. Foster for donating this scale model masterpiece to the museum for public display.
1/24 Scale P-51D Mustang in Hangar
1/24 Scale P-51D Mustang in Hangar
Martin also modeled an entire hangar at 1/24 scale, along with the P-51D Mustang that’s under repair.
1/24 Scale P-51D Mustang in Hangar
An overhead view of the 1/24 scale diorama. The scratch-built model hangar scene is full of small details.