Below you can view some of John Ackerman’s models in chronological order based on when he built them. Click images to enlarge.
1917 Seagrave Triple Engine
In the Fall of 1968, now married and at his first duty station in Edison, New Jersey, John made this 1/32 scale Triple Engine.
1917 Seagrave Triple Engine
John used far more care and detail than with previous models to build this Triple Engine out of basswood and Bristol Board.
1960 Bachert Fire Engine
While stationed in Heilbronn, Germany in 1969, John made this 1/32 scale replica Bachert fire engine.
1960 Bachert Fire Engine
Working from measurements of the actual rig, John created the Bachert body, Diamler-Benz chassis, and TLF (Tank Lösch Fahrzeug), using locally purchased Balsawood, paint and wheels.
1969 Crown Triple Engine
In 1969, working from plans by Tom Showers, John made this 1/32 scale basswood model Triple Engine.
1969 Crown Triple Engine
For this model, John also incorporated sheet styrene plastic for the first time.
1914 Seagrave City Service Truck
After leaving the Army and returning to the US, John made this service truck in 1970. It would be his last basswood and Bristol Board model.
1914 Seagrave City Service Truck
The ladders are basswood with wire rungs, and the gold pin stripping was cut from a larger decal.
1964 American LaFrance Aerial Truck
The working 75’ aerial ladder and ground ladders are made of basswood strip stock. This was John’s first use of spaghetti noodles for rungs.
1921 American LaFrance 75-Foot Aerial Truck
John measured and drew up plans for this rig while stationed in Albuquerque in 1967. The model was built in 1981 using styrene plastic and basswood strip stock for the aerial ladder, which raises and extends.
1921 American LaFrance 75-Foot Aerial Truck
Some parts, such as the lanterns and headlights, were made from brass and turned aluminum. The ground ladders are made of basswood strip stock with spaghetti rungs.
1965 Van Pelt Fire Engine
In 1982, John made this 1/32 scale model using a newly acquired vacuum-forming machine for molding.
1965 Van Pelt Fire Engine
Using the vacuum-forming machine, John molded the styrene plastic cab, fenders, and hood all from hand carved forms.
1925 American LaFrance Chemical Car
Used by the Fox Hills Studio, John built this 1/32 scale Chemical Car model in 1991.
1925 American LaFrance Chemical Car
John used sheet styrene plastic and turned aluminum, as well as a basswood and spaghetti ladder.
1934 Ahrens-Fox Engine
John built this model in 2016 using sheet styrene plastic, turned aluminum, and basswood for the scaling ladders.