This collection of photos exhibits the range of Iqbal Ahmed’s craftsmanship. His work is even more impressive when considering that he was able to produce these projects with very little consultation from experts, peers, or other resources pertaining to model engineering. He learned much of his craft on his own, and used what would be considered fairly outdated machines. When looking at the breadth of work he has accomplished, it’s clear why Mr. Ahmed was the recipient of the 2012 Joe Martin Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award.

Model 4-Cylinder Internal Combustion Engine

Model Lathe

Stationary Steam and Stirling Engines 

Electric and Steam Locomotives

South African Railways Live Steam Locomotive

Rotary and Elbow Engines

Visible Heart Pump Demonstration

1/4 Scale 1886 Benz Motorwagen

The 3-wheeled Benz Motorwagen was the first application of an internal combustion engine to a motorized vehicle in 1886. The bench seat accommodated two people side by side, and it was steered with a tiller rather than a steering wheel. Prior to this a few vehicles had been powered by steam, but this was the beginning of the end for horse-drawn transportation. The photos below outline in detail the process of building Iqbal’s award winning scale model of the Benz. 

1896 Ford Quadricycle Engine

For some background, Henry Ford was working on a self-propelled vehicle at the same time as Carl Benz . His Ford Quadricycle had four wheels, unlike Mr. Benz’s tricycle layout. However, Mr. Benz put his on the road first. In 2013, Iqbal Ahmed started work on a 1/4 scale version of the engine from the Quadricycle.

Watch a video of the first run of the engine below.

Watch an alternate video of the quadricycle engine.

Watch a video of the finished Quadricycle rollling around a driveway.

BMW Ignition Component

Rolls Royce Ignition Key 

Artisan added: March 4, 2020 - Last modified: October 23, 2023