Below you can view more photos of George Luhrs’ remarkable miniature engines. Click on images to enlarge.
Four-Cylinder Aircraft Engine
A side view of this miniature engine gives a better idea of the fine workmanship in each piece. A quarter is shown for scale reference. (Photo courtesy of Thomas Oversluizen.)
Four-Cylinder Aircraft Engine Components
The display base is shown here without the engine. Laid out in the orderly display are all the components needed to make this tiny engine. (Photo courtesy of Thomas Oversluizen.)
Five-Cylinder Radial Engine
A close-up of one of the radial cylinders and head. Also visible are the external rods that drive the rocker arms to operate the valves.
Five-Cylinder Radial Engine
Another close-up reveals the fine work in both the engine as well as the laminated, three-bladed wooden propeller.
Five-Cylinder Radial Engine Parts
A close-up of some of the individual parts that make up George’s miniature five-cylinder radial engine. Each tiny part requires a remarkable level of precision in order to make an engine this small that can actually run.