Custom Micro-Blades Built to Exact Proportions

One of Brian's custom made miniature folding knives.

One of Brian’s custom made miniature folding knives. A US dime provides scale refefence.


Brian Jacobson is a knife maker from Redmond, Oregon. Mr. Jacobsen has been crafting knives since 2006, and his blades are exceptional. However, there is one small caveat to these fine pieces—all of Brian’s beautiful hand-crafted knives are miniature. Although they may be less than 3 inches long in many cases, these miniatures were made with extraordinary attention to detail. The finished pieces look just like full-size knives, and despite their tiny size, the level of craftsmanship is unmistakeable.

Getting an Early Start With Miniatures

Now, Brian is no stranger to the miniature world. In fact, his interest in miniature knives dates back to childhood. His decades of experience show through in the quality of Brian’s craftsmanship, as these unique knives are nothing short of masterful. 

No two micro-blades are the same, and each is made exactly like a full-size knife, with every tiny detail reproduced to scale. All of Brian’s blades are crafted from high quality materials, and they often feature striking wooden handles.

Brian hand crafted this miniature liner lock folder.

Brian hand crafted this miniature liner lock folder. The tiny knife is 2-5/8” long. He used Box Elder burl scales for the handle.

Another miniature folding knife made by Brian.

All of Brian’s micro-blades are made with hardened, heat treated high carbon steel.

In his own words, Brian writes, “I’ve been a miniature knife maker since 2006. I recently began making liner lock folders as a challenge, and plan to move on to more difficult styles of knives. I’ve loved miniature knives since I was a child, visiting a local flea market that had a bunch on display.” 

The flea market knives just didn’t seem to hold up though. Brian noted, “I was always bothered by the lack of high quality miniatures on the market, and have always worked toward accuracy, proportion, and quality.”

Brian's miniature fixed blade knife is hardly bigger than a dime.

All of Brian’s tiny fixed blade knives are custom designed and handmade.

This miniature fixed blade knife features Damascus steel.

This miniature fixed blade knife features Damascus steel.

About the Micro-Blades

All of Brian’s micro-blades are custom made. They have realistic proportional profiles, and crisp transitions. Each miniature also has a highly polished finish. Every knife features a high carbon steel blade, which is hardened, heat treated, and hand finished. The handles are all made from authentic exotic materials. Typically, Brian makes both fixed blade and folding knives.

The fixed blade knives are all custom designed, hand built, and hand finished. For his miniature folding knives, Brian has made liner lock, slip joint, and lock back types. The folding knives are CNC machined, hand fit, and hand finished. Brian has also started to make some OTF (out the front) knives, which are also CNC machined from his own custom designs.

Another one of Brian's well crafted miniature folding knives.

Another one of Brian’s well crafted miniature folding knives.

A top view of this micro fixed blade reveals even more intricate detail.

A top view of this micro fixed blade reveals even more intricate detail.

While Brian is a craftsman by nature, he also sells some of his micro-blades as collectables. These miniature knives are works of art, and they reflect a lifelong dedication to fine craftsmanship. When considering the future, Brian wrote, “I’m using my experience in the aerospace industry to carry my miniatures into an entirely new realm, including OTF knives and miniature guns.”

We look forward to seeing what’s next for this master miniature craftsman. In the meantime, you can follow Brian’s current projects on his Instagram page.

Additionally, view more photos of Brian Jacobson’s excellent miniature knives.

An overhead view of a different fixed knife.

An overhead view of a different fixed knife. It’s clear that Brian is not afraid to challenge himself when it comes to bold designs.

A side view of the same miniature fixed knife shown in the prior photo.

A side view of the same miniature fixed knife shown in the prior photo.

Artisan added: June 15, 2022 - Last modified: May 8, 2023