Miniature Rifles and Shotguns
1/4 Scale Flintlock Hunting Shotgun
One of Mr. Rincón’s more recent miniature projects was this 1/4 scale single-barreled flintlock hunting shotgun designed by Joseph Manton. It has a gooseneck hammer and a total length of 11-3/4”, including the barrel which measures 8”.
1/4 Scale Flintlock Hunting Shotgun
Antonio also made an assortment of miniature accessories for the shotgun. These include: a bullet mold in steel for casting tiny bullets, a hammer with cutting edge to sharpen flint, a powder flask engraved in silver, a small canister of chiseled and engraved work in silver, a brush with badger hair for cleaning, a needle with ebony handle to remove soot, and more.
1/4 Scale Flintlock Hunting Shotgun
A pen provides scale reference. The fitted case is made of Colombian mahogany.
1/4 Scale Flintlock Hunting Shotgun
Other accessories include a heavy hammer to cut patches, a patch cutter, a steel screw driver with ebony handles, a steel key to remove the springs, a small oil bottle, a three-dose powder measure with ebony handle, and an ebony ram rod with an ivory handle.
Miniature Carbine
This ornate miniature carbine is about 15” long. The decoration includes six cartouches of Nicolás Boutet, Jean Le Clerc, and BC (unknown).
Miniature Carbine
Decoration on the gun includes high-relief gold work with sphinx and classical faces, a medieval boar hunt, mythological figures, scrolls, foliage, dragons, rope and floral molded borders, medusa head, armor and more.
Miniature Flintlock Blunderbuss
This flintlock blunderbuss with bayonet is 6.69” long. The bayonet can be folded flat against the cherry wood stock. The box is made of mahogany.
Miniature Flintlock Carbine
A better look at the carving detail on the underside of Antonio’s Griffen design flintlock carbine.
LeGrand Arms & Accessories Set
This unique collection is a full miniature set of firearms from LeGrand Arms & Accessories. It includes a carbine, two holster pistols, and two pocket pistols, along with the accessories.
Miniature Carbine and Pistols
This ornate set includes a flintlock saddle holster carbine and pistols.
Miniature Flintlock Carbine
Another miniature flintlock carbine, this one has a rosette on the stock.
1/3 Scale Boutet Arms Set
Photos of one of Mr. Rincón’s newer projects arrived in September, 2009. He had been busy with this 1/3 scale garniture set. It represents a copy in miniature of a Grand nécessaire d’armes.
1/3 Scale Boutet Rifle
A close-up detail of the 1/3 scale Boutet rifle. Antonio went on to say of this collection, “Perhaps the most striking of all the wonderful gold and silver inlays in this garniture is the large panel depicting a sphinx. The intense interest in designs and motifs from the classical periods of Greece, Rome and Egypt had never abated from pre-revolutionary France. During the Consulate period and first Empire, the excitement in Egyptian-manner (‘Egyptomania’) designs flourished after Baron Dominique Vivant Denon published his drawings made during Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign.”
1/3 Scale Boutet Arms Set
Antonio described this set as, “An important and unique five-piece gold and silver-mounted Grand nécessaire d’ armes by Nicolás Noël Boutet, Versailles and presented by Premier Consul Bonaparteto Lt. General Admiral Don Federico Carlos Gravina, Duque de Gravina y Nápoli, Spanish Ambassador to the Court of St. Cloud, and Commander of the Spanish fleet at the battle of Trafalgar.”
1/4 Scale Louis XIV Carbine
This miniature carbine is a 1/4 scale copy of a rifle made by Piraube aux galleries à Paris in 1682, for Louis XIV in classical style. This era gave Louis XIV many opportunities to use and present fine arms from the most famed workshops of France. These presentation guns frequently embodied the apex of the gun maker’s art and have been sought after by scholars and collectors ever since.
1/4 Scale Louis XIV Carbine
The miniature is mounted in a piece of tiger tail maple full stock, and is decorated on the butt with an inlay of a silver classic monument with equestrian figures. The gun features a tremendous amount of detail in the stock, including a hunting scene derived from prototypes by Jean Baptiste Oudry (1686-1755).
Miniature Pistols
Miniature Four-Barreled Pocket Pistol
Antonio’s miniature four-barreled flintlock pocket pistol. The stock is made of Colombian wood, and the hilt was checkered, or cross-milled, to the scale of the original.
Miniature Four-Barreled Pocket Pistol
The total length is 3.3”, including the steel barrels which are only .79” long.
Miniature Wheel Lock Pistol
A close-up detail of the miniature wheel lock pistol combined with medieval mace.
Miquelet Percussion-Lock Pistol
All of the items from the Miquelet pistol set are displayed outside the case.
Miniature Medusa Pistol –
A close-up detail of the Medusa head from the butt plate. The tiny pistol is dwarfed by an open hand.
Miniature Flintlock Pistol
This tiny flintlock pistol features a clever built-in ram for loading the charge.
Flintlock Dueling Pistols
A matching set of flintlock dueling pistols with French hammers, and a figure of Medusa on the butt plate.
1/3 Scale Flintlock Dueling Pistols
These 1/3 scale flintlock dueling pistols have a figure of Minerva on the butt plate. They are 5.13” long. The stocks are red sugar maple inlaid with gold and silver. The case is mahogany.
1/3 Scale Boutet Dueling Pistols
An ornate set of 1/3 scale Boutet dueling pistols. They feature two gold worked panel sections on the muzzles and over the breeches, which depict floral swags, geometric patterns, and classical symbols.
1/3 Scale Boutet Dueling Pistols
Over each barrel flat there are 134 five-pointed gold stars. Each pistol is numbered “216” on the left-most flat.
1/3 Scale Boutet Dueling Pistols
The octagonal gold butt caps each bear a classical female portrait bust in high relief. These are surrounded by classical motifs of hands, mirrors, a scale of justice, and other symbols.
1/3 Scale Boutet Dueling Pistols
The ebony full stocks are entirely encased in profuse inlays of gold wire, with large gold panels depicting foliate meander and arabesques. The overall length of each pistol is 6”.
Miniature Rigby Pistol
Antonio also built a set of miniature Rigby pistols from Ireland, one of which is shown here. This is the four-barreled version.
Miniature Rigby Pistols
Both Rigby pistols are shown here. One is four-barreled, and the other has three.
Miniature Rigby Pistol
The four-barreled Rigby pistol features a rotating nose or turret design, with a bayonet in the center.
Miniature Rigby Pistols
A front view of the Rigby pistols. Each has its own display box with the appropriate related tools for loading and care.
Miniature Rigby Pistol
In January 2009, Antonio sent additional photos of the four-barreled Rigby pistols after engraving.
1/4 Scale Boutet “Legion of Honor” Pistols
In August 2010, Antonio sent photos of another project—a 1/4 scale Boutet “Legion of Honor” pistol set. It features swamped octagonal barrels decorated with the Boutet marks and embellished with two gold-worked panel sections at the muzzles and breeches.
1/4 Scale Boutet “Legion of Honor” Pistols
Rear sights each lock with roller frizzed springs. The ebony stocks feature inlays of gold that depict an earth orb and shield. Over those are two figures of an imperial eagle supporting the cross of the Legion of Honor, and over that an Imperial Crown.
1/4 Scale Boutet “Legion of Honor” Pistols
Solid gold counter plates depict a bas-relief mannered interpretation of a classical scene of a god surveying an ancient landscape. Another in solid gold shows a medieval boar hunt. The butt caps each include a classical female portrait in high relief.
1/4 Scale Boutet “Legion of Honor” Set
The ramrod pipes and ramrods are made from ebony and ivory. The case is made from Birdseye maple.
1/4 Scale Regulation Pistol Components
Antonio noted, “The counter plate is typical of the Empire. It is secured by two screws, one within a floral motif and another within the wings of an eagle, as was common during this epoch. Metal parts are in steel with motifs characteristic of the Empire, but without chiseling. This confirms that the pistol was intended for combat. The mount is in Turkish walnut without decoration other than the checkering of the grip. On the oval butt plate, the pistol carries the typical medallion in silver with the head of Medusa, signifying its owner’s rank of General.”
1/4 Scale Regulation Pistol Accessories
The ramrod is in walnut with a tortoiseshell head, and the extractor has a steel head, characteristic of combat weapons. The lock is of the French type and signed “Boutet a Versailles.”
1/3 Scale Garniture Set
This garniture set of arms was manufactured in full extension by Antonio at 1/3 scale in Bogotá, Colombia.
1/3 Scale Garniture Set
The set also bears five extraordinary paper labels noting presentations of other Boutet arms by Premier Consul Bonaparte in 1803
Miniature Muff Pistols
These miniature Muff pistols have 7/16” polished steel round barrels. They are approximately 18 caliber, and each engraved with three bands of roundels. Floral swags, dots, and meandering line work are finished with individual bands of drapery and “dot and diamond” moldings around muzzles. Both are engraved around the barrel’s circumference, “ a Versailles.”
Miniature Muff Pistols
The polished steel box locks are engraved with hunting scenes of birds, a lion, dogs and lynx, and whimsical monkeys playing musical instruments in the manner of Jean Baptiste Oudry. Inscribed on the top-plate behind the pan is, “Boutet Directeur artiste.” Each lock jaw is engraved with a donkey head and has concealed triggers. Each burl ebony bag shaped stock is set with 34 high-relief gold studs pique.
Miniature Muff Pistols With Full Set
Along the exterior edges of the grips, the studs themselves are outlined with gold wire forming to make an enclosure for two engraved gold embellishments (4 per pistol) of mythological wyverns (sea-serpents) breathing fire. Along the back straps of each stock are inlaid seven engraved gold panels alternating between motifs of diamonds and spider-webs of 16 vanes.
Miniature Percussion Lock Pistols
Many years ago, Antonio made a miniature cased set containing two percussion lock pistols copied from an original set manufactured circa 1840 by Joseph Harkom of Edinburg. The case is 1/5 scale, measuring 9 cm in length. The stocks are cherry wood and the Damascus barrels have swivel ramrods and a total length of 7 cm.
Miniature Percussion Lock Pistols
The barrels are 3.5 cm long, and have a ring of 18 karats at the breeches, and the mark “Joseph Harkom” engraved on top. The back action locks contain designs of the period, and are only 2.5 cm. All the mechanisms are totally functional, and have accessories for use and cleaning.
Bolívar Flintlock Handguns
In 2019, Antonio sent along some picture of a recently finished set of 1/3 scale Bolívar flintlock handguns. The original handguns belonged to Latin American independence hero, Simón Bolívar. They are embossed with symbols from Greek and Roman mythology.
Bolívar Flintlock Handguns
Each pistol was engraved with classical allegorical and mythological creatures, such as Medusa, Hercules, a winged Victory, a dragon, and a wolf.
Bolívar Flintlock Handgun
A panoply depicts a scene showing the battle of centaurs and lapiths at the wedding of Perithous. These weapons were thought to be a present to Bolívar from Marquis de Lafayette, an aristocrat turned revolutionary who fought in the French and US wars of independence.
Bolívar Flintlock Handguns
According to legend, in 1825 the family of the late George Washington was so impressed with Bolívar that they sent him a portrait of the first American president. Along with the painting, Lafayette is believed to have sent Bolívar these pistols, crafted by Nicolás Noël Boutet, Napoleon’s own gunsmith.
Miniature Cannons
Bombard With Palisade
A bombard with a palisade that could be raised to fire the weapon, and lowered to protect the gun crew during the loading sequence.
Miniature Siege Weapons
Siege Tower
Siege towers like this were filled with men who were protected from enemy arrows by the thick wooden walls. The tower was rolled against a wall and the drawbridge was lowered for attack.
This weapon was designed like a giant crossbow, and used the power stored in multiple drawn bows to fire a long projectile over great distances.
Miniature Combination Weapons
Matchlock Pike, “Holy Water Sprinkler”
This miniature matchlock pike is a two handed club with spikes and a small spear. The head also contains three pistol barrels fired by handheld match. The touch holes originally had sliding lids, while swiveling plates covered the muzzles.
Matchlock Pike, “Holy Water Sprinkler”
This clumsy and dangerous weapon was described in the inventory of Henry VIII’s armory, taken after his death in 1547, as a “Holy Water Sprinkler.” However, during the 17th century it became known as Henry VIII’s walking staff.
Miniature Henry VIII Pistol Shield
This is a rare experimental combination of body armor (shield) and a weapon (matchlock gun). The gunsmith Giovanni Battista of Ravenna proposed this gun shield to King Henry VIII of England in 1544. Interested in technology, the king had 100 made for bodyguards. As a firearm, it was too heavy to aim unless rested on a support and was rejected for use.
Miniature Henry VIII Pistol Shield
Made of steel plates on a wooden base, it is armed with a breech loading matchlock pistol. The shield was held by a grip in one hand, the other being employed to operate the matchlock which fired the pistol. Just above the barrel is a sighting aperture. The “match” is being ignited here.
Miniature Henry VIII Pistol Shield
This photo shows the interior of the pistol shield, showing the mechanisms of the pistol. The breech could be opened for the insertion of a reloadable steel cartridge filled with powder and ball. The slow burning match was held in a swiveling holder or serpentine that brought the glowing end on to the touch hole when the trigger or lever was pressed.
Miniature Henry VIII Pistol Shield
Technological hybrids were appreciated as attempts to do two things at once. Lock mechanisms for firing guns were made by smiths who made lock for doors or chests. A door lock by Henry VIII’s master locksmith is in the Walter Art Museum in the Collector’s Study.
English Spring Gun
This unique miniature is an English spring gun that would be mounted with trip cords. Spring guns were actually designed to shoot an intruder. They could be set up at nearly any location on an estate for defense. The fairly crude wooden box structure has a flintlock mechanism mounted to one side, and a short, bell-shaped barrel. They were usually fixed to a swivel and free to rotate. The trigger was operated by means of ropes, a number of which might be spread across an area, all connecting back. If an intruder stepped on one of these lines, the gun would swing toward that area and blast off a charge.
Matchlock Warder’s Key
This weapon was designed to function as a key for a prison cell as well as a gun for the jailer to defend themselves. Due to the unreliability of gunpowder weapons in those days, combination weapons were often found. Whether it was a matter of lack of faith, or simply an overabundance of caution, some gunmakers wanted a firearm that was guaranteed to fire. Since the wheel lock could go wrong, they had a matchlock ignition system fitted in case of its failure.
Miniature Tools and Accessories
Miniature Gunsmithing Tools
A miniature boxed set of gunsmithing tools with a fountain pen at the bottom for scale reference.
1/4 Scale Powder Tester
This 1/4 scale powder tester is a box lock design flint lock system. The short, stubby barrel was loaded with powder to be tested, then closed up by the buffer lever of the ratchet wheel. A powerful spring which held the buffer pressed against the muzzle was also the ratchet pawl (its handle can be seen below trigger). The body, buffer and ratchet wheel are made from stainless steel engraved with floral designs—all functional.
1/4 Scale Powder Tester
When the device was fired, the force of the explosion caused the wheel to spin for a partial turn. The user then counted the number of notches spun. In theory, high quality powder would account for many notches—fifteen or all seventeen—and a low grade powder for only three of four, etc.
Miniature Tools and Accessories
The wide array of miniature accessories shown here include, from left to right: 1) Powder tester; 2) Silver shot pouch; 3) Steel bullet mould (two cavities); 4) Steel hammer; 5) Silver oil bottle; 6) Ebony funnel; 7) Steel powder tester; 8) Silver powder flask; 9) Steel and brass bullet mould (six cavities); 10) Damascus barrel; 11) Barrel key; 12) Steel wad cutter; 13) Steel screw vice; 14) Steel spring clamp; 15) Steel spring clamp; 16) Shot measure; 17) Screw driver; 18) Wooden mallet; 19) Nidle; 20) Steel measure dose; 21) Steel double spring clamp, 22) Set trigger with screw for adjusting tension; 23) Steel hammer for sharpening flints; 24) Nipple key; 25) Spanning or wheel-lock key.
Other Miniatures
Model Marine and Steam Engines
In 2020, Mr. Rincón sent us an update of some recently finished work. Antonio made a model of a marine engine with working feed and condenser vacuum pumps, along with a steam engine with boiler and dynamo.
Model Marine and Steam Engines
The double engine must be seen to truly appreciate the thoroughly practical nature of the design.
Miniature Violin
This miniature Stradivari violin was still a work in progress when Antonio first sent pictures. Antonio modeled it after one that Stradivari made in 1732. The tools shown were crafted in order to make the violin.