Donate to the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum

The Craftsmanship Museum is sponsored by the Joe Martin Foundation for Exceptional

Initial funding for the museum and the foundation to cover the purchase and opening of the museum in Carlsbad has been provided by Mr. Joe Martin through his personal income as owner of Sherline Products, Inc.

The Joe Martin Foundation is most grateful to those who would like to help cover the day-to-day operating costs of the museum through personal donations. Being a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all donations are tax deductible for the full value of both material and monetary contributions.

You can also contribute by volunteering in the museum display area or machine shop. See our volunteers page for more information.

Monetary Donations

Anyone can make a donation to the Foundation. Every dollar helps with our ongoing costs and future plans. Checks to the Joe Martin Foundation can be mailed to 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010. 

Corporate Sponsors

Corporations can make monetary or equipment donations and also benefit from the museum’s tax deductible status.

Project Donations

Craftsmen wishing to have the best of their life’s work maintained, honored, and professionally displayed can donate qualified projects to the museum. Doing so while living offers the advantage of not only experiencing the pleasure of seeing your work on display in a prestigious museum, but also being able to benefit from a tax deduction while you are still living. Potential donors can fill out this submission form, or send photos and a description of your work via email to

After your passing your relatives may not have a full understanding of what it took to create your projects, only considering the cash value at a yard sale, swap meet or on eBay. We suggest you consider donating at least some of the best examples of your work to a museum that can properly display and care for them.

Donations can be made while you are still alive or can be made in the form of a bequest. See the section on BEQUESTS below.


Create your own personal legacy by providing support for a worthy cause through a bequest in your will or living trust. Naming the Joe Martin Foundation in your will or trust assures that your respect for and support of the work of the world’s great craftsmen continues beyond your life. Bequests offer several benefits for you:

  1. A few sentences in your will or trust complete your gift. It’s that easy. (See below)
  2. You can change your beneficiaries at any time, keeping you in control of your assets during your lifetime.
  3. Bequests can be structured to achieve your personal goals, both for your loved ones and for support of the Foundation.

Following is a helpful guide on how to add a bequest to your will or trust:

Type of Bequest When to Use It How to Say it
General Bequest To give a stated sum of money or a particular item

I give $15,000 to the Joe Martin Foundation (Tax ID 93-1221845), 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010.


I give my 1/3 scale Challenger V-8 engine to the Joe Martin Foundation (Tax ID 93-1221845), 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010.

Percentage of Remainder Bequest To leave the foundation a percentage of what is left of your estate after taking care of your loved ones I give to the Joe Martin Foundation (Tax ID 93-1221845), 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010, a sum equal to __ percent of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.
Contingent Bequest To leave a gift to the Joe Martin Foundation only on the condition that a certain event must occur first I give $25,000 to my wife, Susan, provided she survives me; otherwise, I give it to the Joe Martin Foundation (Tax ID 93-1221845), 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92010.


A Note About Trusts

It has been our sad experience that in some cases bequests have not been honored by the executors of the trust. People sometimes do unexpected things when substantial amounts of money are involved. Consider giving a copy of your bequest to the entities designated or let the designees know which legal office to contact after your passing.